Tommy   Christmas Island
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ultima dată jucat pe 9 apr.
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ultima dată jucat pe 17 mart.
70 ore înregistrate
ultima dată jucat pe 16 mart.
Erkefienden 4 apr. 2023 la 15:28 
the son of imbeciles turns on muslim prayer and yells like a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ in German
Frittgående General 25 mart. 2023 la 7:46 
He's a traitor who plays farming simulator instead of joining the bois playing real games :steambored:
why not? YES! 16 mart. 2023 la 17:30 
translate the text that I have on the wall in my profile, written for monkeys like you:sheephappy:
kick him, he is noob
Axel 29 dec. 2020 la 14:42 
this guy 80% every game hacker
ABK 27 aug. 2020 la 18:21 
+rep maybe hacker
asdadssad 5 dec. 2017 la 7:00