The Ping From Another World
The King of Ping/The True High Ping/KingPing   Nunavut, Canada
Trade Offer Link
My YouTube Channel:
My Twitch:

Invite me for some Two Cities Mann Up (I'm always down to play.)

If you see my ping/ms in-game, yes. It is truly a ping from another world. (Reason: 3-5MBs download speed, and 300-500KBs upload speed, it's from an old satellite, and the only provider in Nunavut, as it's called Qiniq.)

Comment before add, would you kindly? IF NOT WILL NOT ADD IF PRIVATE PROFILE OR PRIVATE BACKPACK Or anything not worthwhile in your backpack to trade.

Laziest Hero's "The Ping" 2017.
Have yet to receive drops Australiums:

[Black Box]
[Rocket Launcher]

And no Golden Frying Pan drop yet either [Out of 1712 available tours that could drop it]

Received drops Australiums: [Total 41]

[Ambassador x4]
[Axtinguisher x4]
[Blutsauger x4]
[Flame Thrower x4]
[Force-A-Nature x1]
[Frontier Justice x1]
[Grenade Launcher x2]
[Knife x3]
[Medi Gun x1]
[Minigun x2]
[Scattergun x2]
[SMG x3]
[Sniper Rifle x3]
[Stickybomb Launcher x4]
[Tomislav x3]

Tour count overall and total: 1732
Oil Spill: 20 tours
Steel Trap: 20 tours
Mecha Engine: 179
Two Cities: 1350
Gear Grinder: 163

Australium drop: Steel Trap (Total 1)

Tour 8: Blutsauger [#30 - 4th drop]

Australium drops: Mecha Engine (Total 5)

Tour 48: Grenade Launcher [#27 - 2nd drop]
Tour 61: Sniper Rifle [#28]
Tour 96: Sniper Rifle [#29 - 2nd drop]
Tour 149: Frontier Justice [#34]
Tour 165: Axtinguisher [#41 - 4th drop]

Australium drops: Two Cities (Total 31) (9 times received from 4 boxes)

Tour 22: Axtinguisher [#1]
Tour 77: Axtinguisher [#2 - 2nd drop]
Tour 240: Flame Thrower [#3] longest dry streak of 163 -_-
Tour 300: Stickybomb Launcher [#4 - From a 4 box]
Tour 309: Blutsauger [#5]
Tour 313: SMG [#6]
Tour 359: Knife [#7 - From a 4 box]
Tour 370: SMG [#8 - 2nd drop]
Tour 384: Tomislav [#9]
Tour 410: Stickybomb Launcher [#10 - 2nd drop]
Tour 458: Scattergun [#11 - From a 4 box]
Tour 459: Stickybomb Launcher [#12 - 3rd drop]
Tour 506: Medi Gun [#13]
Tour 558: Blutsauger [#14 - 2nd drop]
Tour 596: Force-A-Nature [#15]
Tour 668: Minigun [#16]
Tour 804: Ambassador [#18] second longest dry streak of 136
Tour 889: Flame Thrower [#19 - 2nd drop - From a 4 box]
Tour 904: Grenade Launcher [#20]
Tour 963: Knife [#21 - 2nd drop]
Tour 984: Flame Thrower [#22 - 3rd drop]
Tour 997: Knife [#23 - 3rd drop]
Tour 1040: Flame Thrower [#25 - 4th drop]
Tour 1086: Minigun [#31 - 2nd drop - From a 4 box]
Tour 1109: Ambassador [#32 - 3rd drop]
Tour 1174: Tomislav [#35 - 3rd drop]
Tour 1190: SMG [#36 - 3rd drop - From a 4 box]
Tour 1199: Sniper Rifle [#37 - 3rd drop]
Tour 1243: Ambassador [#38 - 4th drop - From a 4 box]
Tour 1260: Axtinguisher [#39 - 3rd drop - From a 4 box]
Tour 1267: Scattergun [#40 - 2nd drop - From a 4 box]

Australium drops: Gear Grinder (Total 4)

Tour 33: Blutsauger [#17 - 3rd drop]
Tour 83: Stickybomb Launcher [#24 - 4th drop]
Tour 87: Ambassador [#26 - 2nd drop]
Tour 145: Tomislav [#33 - 2nd drop]
Video Showcase
Aussie #40, four box.
7 1
Favorite Game
Items Up For Trade
Items Owned
Trades Made
Market Transactions
DON'T OFFER shite unusuals like Taunts, bad War Paint Wears, Weapons or hats with common gen 1-3 unusual effects.
Screenshot Showcase
Totally didn't expect an Elite Grade hahahaha!
10 3
Awards Showcase
Awards Received
Awards Given
Rarest Achievement Showcase
Favorite Guide
Created by - HA4e
24 ratings
A guide on how to get your items that will get added into TF2! All you just need is to make these kind of items.
Recent Activity
108 hrs on record
Currently In-Game
9,110 hrs on record
last played on May 25
87 hrs on record
last played on May 24
› Casual Chicken May 17 @ 7:10am 
I never said it would make me immune to being votekicked I only said I hope you never get one because you don't deserve one. And I was not stalling the game in any way by going medic since the only classes needed on bigrock are sniper and engineer so your votekick was completely unjustified and uncalled for. They didn't add votekicking so you can kick people using a certain class like a strict parent they added it to kick cheaters AFKers scammers and griefers and do NOT say I was AFK or griefing because we both know that's not true I was actually playing the game. If Valve didn't want people playing medic on bigrock they would've disabled him so don't votekick for picking a class you don't want them playing as and let them play who they want. It's not your server you're not a moderator of said server you have no right to tell people who to play and who to not play. I will not tolerate this kind of treatment and I will play medic if I wish and nobody's going to tell me to switch off.
The Ping From Another World May 14 @ 2:24pm 
All I said was, Medic is good if he uses Canteen Specialist, the team asked you to switch because there was a tank on that wave, but you kept saying that medic is good, so you went and switched to Medic. And earlier in that game, you did not buy Canteen Specialist, you kept typing how Medic is good, and not once I did not see the chat or the sound of using canteens, so you never used it. Than you kept dying, walking forward right onto the robots, and continue to say how great Medic is.
The Ping From Another World May 14 @ 2:05pm 
What's the game called by the way? Read the first part of it. Or is it too hard to read that word? Since you're complaining about ME ME ME YOU VOTEKICKED ME, it was the TEAM the TEAM votekicked you.

So learn please, to listen to your TEAMMATES. You think you're so high and mighty for just owning a golden pan. Next time when you load up the game read the title. Since it looks like you do not know anything about it. as I didn't know this game was called ME Fortress 2???

In your future games, know that the game you are playing is called Team Fortress 2, not Me Fortress 2. By the way, the TEAM asked you not to play Medic, or does the word TEAM seem impossible for you to see? Let me spell it out for you T-E-A-M, not M-E, T-E-A-M. Team Fortress 2.

You see big number, and now He'S A TyPiCaL ToxIC hIgH tOUr, gONNa KeEp CoMMEnTinG On hiS PrOFiLE. And yet, you won't have your own comment section to be enabled.
The Ping From Another World May 14 @ 1:52pm 
So why go Medic on a tank wave?
Nova_ May 14 @ 9:27am 
I never said it would make me immune to being votekicked I only said I hope you never get one because you don't deserve one. And I was not stalling the game in any way by going medic since the only classes needed on bigrock are sniper and engineer so your votekick was completely unjustified and uncalled for. They didn't add votekicking so you can kick people using a certain class like a strict parent they added it to kick cheaters AFKers scammers and griefers and do NOT say I was AFK or griefing because we both know that's not true I was actually playing the game. If Valve didn't want people playing medic on bigrock they would've disabled him so don't votekick for picking a class you don't want them playing as and let them play who they want. It's not your server you're not a moderator of said server you have no right to tell people who to play and who to not play. I will not tolerate this kind of treatment and I will play medic if I wish and nobody's going to tell me to switch off.
инфа на 5 May 13 @ 8:40am 
pls check trade