958 people found this review helpful
122 people found this review funny
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 253.6 hrs on record (155.5 hrs at review time)
Posted: Nov 25, 2015 @ 5:14pm
Updated: Dec 27, 2015 @ 8:21pm

Early Access Review
***FUNNY UPDATE*** My review has a fan club! Seems as though not only are the review bombers spamming bad reviews on this game, but they are also conspiring to thumb down reviews they disagree with. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=572810488 Keep this is mind readers when you are wondering the truth about this game, a group of 1000 protestors are manipulating the reviews to their agenda. *Note to steam moderators or tripwire, if this screenshot violates any rules then I can remove it on your call.

*IMPORTANT UPDATE I got a free head band from these "HORRIBLE" micro trans. I honestly could not care less about anyone that hates this update. If I can get free hats idc, I am golden. There is now also a section talking about how mts work in this game. Back when the review was first written they were not out yet, so now its there. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=570776497

This game is currently being review bombed due to the micro transaction "crisis". I feel I must try to counter the complaining and point out a few things about the whole movement that I find stupid. This is a very good game and to knock the whole game down over one trivial thing is stupid. As someone with 100+ hours on this game and all Hell on earth achievements(at the time of this review) I would like to tell you why this game imo is very fun. Without people to counter this non sense I feel the kf2 community will fall in numbers and that is something I will not sit by and watch.

First off kf1 has micro transactions, so complaining that they are now a thing is very stupid. Honestly kf1 had much worse microtransactions because they actually sold weapons rather then just skins, which is just straight up pay to win. They also complain about how its bad because its in early access, but i say to that "since when'? Honestly compared to every other early access game I have played this is by far the most polished and regularily updated of them all. Take a look at the garbage dump early access games on steam (such as dayz) and tell me its fair to call this game early access. There is zero game breaking bugs, its runs extremely smoothly(on my pc), and they JUST ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ UPDATED with new maps, a new boss, character, and a new class.

These review bombers like to point out how scummy it is that instead of updates they are putting in micro transactions, but that is simply not true. Like I previously pointed out the game was just updated and there is will be even more getting added later. The thing they are not getting is that the micro transactions need to be tested and fixed before full release just like every other aspect. They would whine just as much if micro transactions got added after release filled with bugs. As far as I can tell these bombers are just looking for excuses to complain and since their is no justification to their anger they make things up. Trust me, someone who managed to put 150 hours into an "unfinished" game, that this is an extremely fun and addicting game. Not only is it fun, but its probably one of the most challenging PVE type games out their.

Let me explain how these micro transactions actually work, so you can get an idea of how they work from someone who doesn't hate them. I am not really that big into micro transactions, but they aren't really a bad thing either. Well anyways there is a store now on the game where you can buy keys to open crates filled with goodies. If you are familiar with tf2 then you already know how it works. Like in tf2 you get crate drops and item drops which you can then sell for real life money to people on the community market place. Or instead of selling them you can equip them your self and open the crates with the keys to get even rarer items. There is a quality system to the items and some items will be worth alot more if you want to sell them, so if your lucky the game can pay for itself. Currently all the bonus micro transaction items are only cosmetic and offer no stat bonuses like in more scummy games. The devs have stated that they plan on maybe putting new weapons in the crates, but you won't need to get the weapons in order to use them. As long as anyone in your game has it then you can use it too, so its sounding like the devs are going to make this fair. Back in kf1 the dlc weapons were not shared with people who didn't buy them, so its good that tripwire learned from their mistakes on that.

Enough bombing the bombers though, let me give you a quick run down of why I think this game is worthy of your mighty dollar(hopefully I expunged all the ♥♥♥♥ slinging from your mind and you are ready for some positive reviewing). Like I said before its basically not even an early access game, to me it feels more like a finished game with a steady stream of free dlc. If you had ever played kf1 then you know that kf1 continued to add maps after its release and to me I think thats what kf2 feels like. The game has a very smooth feel to, idk how else to say it. Its just every thing you do from moving around, to shooting, and clubbing zeds everything just feels right. Its the opposite of how dayz or Arma feels if you are familiar with those excremate piles. On top of the smooth feel to the game its also very fun and challenging.

The game takes place in a sort of post apocalyptic world where mad science experiments have taken over and its your job to kill em all. The game is a wave combat type game where their is 10 waves and a final wave with a boss to fight(like nazi zombies but astronomically better). Each wave gets progressively harder as more difficult zeds start to spawn in and pound your group to shreds. I dont really want to spoil the surprise of seeing these meat monsters for yourself, but just know they are truly badass! Then when you beat all the waves the boss shows up and hes meaner then all the previous baddies put together and even calls on them to assist him. Right now we have two bosses and they may even add in more in future updates.

Another neat feature is the classes that you can choose from that all play and kill in their own unique way. Right now we got a pyro, demoman, melee guy, assault rifleman, medic, shotgun support, and dual pistol classes. There will in the future be a martial artist, a swat guy, and a sharpshooter. Each class gets their own weapons to buy during the waves and as they level up you get skills to choose from like in a rpg. My personnal favorite is the Berserker/melee guy because I like to charge in first and slam some skulls, but I think everyone has a class that fits their style of preffered combat.

So basically this is an amazing game and I fully reccommend you ignore the bad reviews because they are only bring one bad thing(in their mind) up out of 100s of good things. If you are anything like me(a gamer) then you will love this game! Hell you might even end up liking the micro transactions too, it sure works for csgo and tf2. You play the market right and you may just end up paying for the game and more with the drops you sell on the market, so good luck!
Was this review helpful? Yes No Funny Award
Red Apr 9, 2016 @ 9:02am 
no one cares nigga cosmetics are better
RainingMetal Apr 9, 2016 @ 8:12am 
You have my support. For now, anyway, provided that TWI doesn't follow Overkill's example completely (at least their devs don't insult the community over genuine concerns).
Eternal President Uncle Slam Jan 2, 2016 @ 4:27pm 
Wasted check again kf1 does have mts. There is multiple skin packs for cheap/micro payments that would be classified as mts. The two words are not exclusive and some dlc can be classified as micro transactions depending on how pricey they are. Micro transaction literally only refers to the amount of money you pay.
Red Jan 2, 2016 @ 12:28pm 
no one cares nigga cosmetics are better
Crazed vet Jan 2, 2016 @ 12:20pm 
Micro transactions and DLC are two different things, and KF1 only had DLC.
Eternal President Uncle Slam Dec 27, 2015 @ 8:27pm 
Dont stress bomby me boy, my review is old and got replaced with newer reviews. Its out of my control, but go ahead and annoy them now. I see now why all those old reviews with like 4000 thumbs up are no longer on the front page and it happened to me now. Apparently they filter reviews over time.
Eternal President Uncle Slam Dec 27, 2015 @ 8:19pm 
Eternal President Uncle Slam Dec 27, 2015 @ 5:54pm 
because your a troll?
Eternal President Uncle Slam Dec 25, 2015 @ 9:00am 
Is it possible that you are projecting your sexual condition unto others in order to cover up bombadil? Anyways I just hit 1000 helpful thumbs up! Thanks everyone for your support.
Red Dec 25, 2015 @ 8:46am 
the salt is strong in this one:steamsalty::steamsalty::steamsalty::steamsalty::steamsalty: