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Évaluations récentes de Nasty_Nate

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1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation utile
2.8 h en tout (2.6 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Avis donné pendant l'accès anticipé
For a game still in alpha, no game breaking bugs encountered. It's great fun playing on some random server or with a squad. And it's fairly cheap too. Pick this game up and help support the developers.
Évaluation publiée le 21 aout 2017.
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1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation utile
223.7 h en tout (68.7 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Where to start. Well I'm in it so it's guaranteed to be epic. All jokes aside though the game is awesome, and you can read my review to know more.

The game overall is awesome, it's like borderlands 2, but it's better. The Scaling in BL2, was horrible from level 50 upwards. You need OP and Gamebreaking gear to get anywhere in the game fomr UVHM onwards. And I can already see the scaling in this game is a lot better. I'm able to now use Purple guns to defeat a raid boss, solo. The visuals, can be a little repetitive at times, but overall they are appealing and does bring different environments into the game.

Now as for gameplay, well, many, including me who had seen the gameplay, thought that the butt-stomp ability would be a gimmick in the game that I would never use. I was wrong. It adds so much more to the combat, in addition with the low gravity, killing is a lot more fluid, getting around on foot isn't so boresome, and depending on how you use your "double jump", and where you activate the extra boost, gives completely different outcomes. For example, if I need to get to a higher ledge, a jump and boost when i'm halfway until the fulcrum of my jump, giving me a way higher jump. But If I was to say get passed a very wide crevice I would start sprinting, jump then activate the boost before I start descending. And this all may seem simple, but it can be applied to the combat maneuvres and it overall makes combat more pleasing. I particularly like to use the second descripted type of jump a lot when traversing without a vehicle, it practically triples my movement time and comes in handy, even in the normal gravity environments, such as Helios.

Now for Classes. Of course everyone started the game as claptrap, so i'm going to go and do something different like I usually do, I played the game as Nisha, speccing into her middle and right trees, and found myself being basically a god, maybe here is where the teamwork really comes into play. Having all 4 Nisha's running around wouldn't work, because you have no way of healing or buffing teammates. Nisha is a very combat centred solo class. And I would say she is needed for every kind of boss fight, she deals damage and deals it where it matters. Claptrap, is a must have, he gives the team random buffs, and helps out alot with co-op, lots of health boosts, dmg boosts etc. Athena plays the role of the tank healer, she is a great class to play as with friends, although solo not so much. Her abilities are a lot like Maya's except she soaks up damage. She is also a vital part to the team, giving out lots of Health regen. I didn't play wilhelm much, but from what I did, He is just a straight up tank class. He takes all of the damage dealt while dealing a fair enough amount of damage. He is the most Balanced class from what i've played of him but isn't very fun (for lack of better term), So overall the classes have their own Pros and ♥♥♥♥ and they all do their own special thing that makes them vital to the team.

As an overall, I'd say the game does use lots of content from Borderlands 2, including some legendaries and renamed Unique guns. The humour is a step up from Borderlands 2 and as an Australian I did get all of the jokes, so that could be a downside for some players who don't know much of Australian slang and colloquialism. But yes, the humour is well done and implemented, the story is EXCELLENT. I love it. *No spoilers* I hate lilith for what she did to jack, and I empathised for Jack as the hours passed. Some of the negative reviews here state that the campaign didn't give enough XP to get to the required levels, but that's because they didn't do the side missions, which were frankly better this time around. There is a lot more variety and SO MUCH story to be told in the side missions, like how Terramorphous made it onto Pandora, when Threshers where only a Moon Species (DAMN YOU HAMMERLOCK), or how Jack comes up with the idea of Moonshotting loaders to Pandora etc. Lots of things storywise are excellent, with a nice twist on Jack at the end and how he gets the scar on his face. The story just blew my mind the first time around, and I stuck around long enough for 3 more playthroughs up to TVHM and still find it enjoyable. I especially can't wait for the UVHM pack that will have a new Narrative Voice over along with Tiny Tina. Overall Game was excellent.

Now for a short list of Pros and ♥♥♥♥ incase you don't want to read all that garbage.

- Story
- Classes
- Visuals
- Soundtrack
- Gameplay
- Combat
- Low Gravity
- Enemy Scaling
- Weapon Scaling
- Replayability (I'd die if I didn't put that in there)

- Nisha and Claptrap are the only 2 classes that are really enjoyable in SP and MP
- Wilhelm and Athena lack enough SP Skills to play SP, but are both great for MP
- Not as many legendaries
- Maybe too many reused Borderlands 2 Assets
- Comedy can get a little dry after a while

Anyway that's my Review of Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel

I give this game an overall of:


It's more of the same which isn't bad, it still has that Borderlands Charm, it delivers where in lots of ways Borderlands 2 failed. And even though it seems mediocre amongst many giants coming out this year, it's defenitely my Game of the Year. I can't wait for the Doppelganger Pack release tomorrow, and like i've said many many times. This game overall is excellents. It's a must buy for borderlands fans, and a must buy if you want to try out the series.

TL;DR Game overall is excellent, more of the same Borderlands you love while changing it up a bit. New players will love it, while old fans will cherish it.
Évaluation publiée le 11 novembre 2014. Dernière modification le 12 novembre 2014.
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2 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
1.5 h en tout
This game is a great Top Down Zombie Shooter, with lots of references to other games, lots of things to do and hours and hours of fun. It's greatly addictive and you won't stop playing til you're tired.
Évaluation publiée le 4 décembre 2013.
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