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3 people found this review helpful
316.7 hrs on record (297.1 hrs at review time)
Honey wake up, new Sense of Pride and Accomplishment dropped.

"You can't give a player everything at once ... later vehicles are almost always more difficult to learn and play ... Progression provides opportunities for gradual learning and engaging the players. Without it, the game will lose players right from the start." - Gaijin, 2023

Cute, but no. The game will lose players right when it stops providing enough of regular non-premium currency to enjoy playing the vehicles they EARNED by playing. The player is punished for sinking the time into earning a higher tiered vehicle and will have to play each match with this vehicle in looming anxiety over underperforming in a match and losing money. When enough of those bad matches happen where the player loses in-game money instead of earning it they will be pretty much blocked from playing that specific vehicle because the earnings will never outweigh the repair costs.

And when do the earnings outweigh the repair costs? When you purchase a premium vehicle. Don't fall for the blatantly corporate-speech written blog posts providing you with reasons defending why you can't play matches with your Abrams or F-14 for several days.

The audacity of Gaijin to teach us what it means to progress in a F2P game. Gaijin spits in your face and expects you to take it like a little ♥♥♥♥♥ and kiss their feet for it.

If you value your time invested in a game and expect it to respect that time don't even bother installing this. This may have once been the best game in its genre but those days are long gone, stomped by greed and disrespect into the ground. Gaijin doesn't deserve your time, let alone your money.
Posted January 13, 2014. Last edited May 20, 2023.
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