
Последние обзоры De_force #MothLover

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25.1 ч. всего (3.4 ч. в момент написания)
Best TCG ever, besides Magic, Pokemon, Flesh and Blood, Any indie go go TCG game, and old school yugioh
Опубликовано 22 ноября 2022 г..
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3.3 ч. всего (2.4 ч. в момент написания)
I've had 0 hickups with this since I got it! It runs at a solid 60 fps, feels great with the controller. Yeah the settings can be weird but once you figure it out its EZ and loads of fun! Can't wait to play more of it! And I would recommend this game for anybody who loves a good challenge!
Опубликовано 7 ноября 2017 г..
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30.0 ч. всего (28.8 ч. в момент написания)
Fantastic game! I never knew I would like the MGS franciese until I played Revengence and that game just got me hooked! MGS V is just as amazing and fun! Great open world game that has a little bit of something for everyone!
Опубликовано 3 июля 2017 г..
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356.7 ч. всего (295.1 ч. в момент написания)
Обзор CS:GO
its an addiction, It started with one skin now its loaded it way up to multiple skins costing hundreds of dollars, I need to save this money but GaBeN is too temping, kill me please
Опубликовано 23 ноября 2016 г..
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1,257.2 ч. всего (70.6 ч. в момент написания)
-70 hours-
This is a fantastic game where skill, luck, and team work all come together. I would recommened this game to any competitive player besides the COD fan boys.

*edit* -800 hours later-
Gaben is taken full control of my soul. I can not longer live without injecting hundreds of dollars worth of hats right into my veins. I live breath die TF2 crates and funny colored hats. TF2 is eternal in my nightmare

*edit -1000 hours-
At this point, I just want a game I can play and enjoy, but it just seems like Valve has given up and abandoned Team Fortress. They moved on to Coutner-Strike, a new cash cow they can milk. The Valve we have today is not the same Valve that made this game, not the same Valve that put so much love and passion into this absoulte gem of a video game. The current Valve we have now does not care. They have moved on, and I feel like its time for all of us to do the same. It's been an amazing journey, but it's the literal End of the Line now.

*1200 hours later*
This, this is a piece of trash. Valve left it out to try and never came back. The only thing keeping this game alive is us traders and money hogs and medic femboys who have nothing better to do then jerk eachother off over virtual hats. I miss Valve. I miss maps. I miss updates. I miss weekly blogs and videos and communication. Tf2 right now is none of that. TF2 right now is a gravestone that Valve visits twice a year to pay its respects to as it goes to bang its new girlfriend. Negative until they do something. No more buying until they do something,
Опубликовано 29 декабря 2013 г.. Отредактировано 3 июня.
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