Matthew   Ridgeland, Mississippi, United States
I'm what happens when you spend too much time and money on video games. Peyton and Pepsi suck, too.
Also, Peyton likes pizza rolls lmao.
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Pezbi 19. zář. 2023 v 16.02 
goodnight baby: )
Pezbi 19. zář. 2023 v 16.02 
I love how we're doing track together. I love how you are super talented at every thing. I love that you have morals and a good head on your shoulders: ) I love your family: ) I love your "eek" Baby you are the girl of my dreams. I adore you every second. I love how we met and how we clicked right away: ) I love going to dances with you: ) I like your friends lol I love how your mom tells me that when I'm not around that you are always saying how cute I am: ) gosh you make me smile so much: ) I can't stop thinking about you. Baby i can't imagine another girl coming along like you: ) you are amazing! Babe, the countdown is on for the next time I get to see you, which brings me to how even though we have a semi long distance relationship, and we only see eachother 3 days a week. I still freaking love us because I know we'll be together all the time this summer and next year: ) baby I miss you: ) ♥ I hope you sleep amazing tonight: ) night baby, I can't stop thinking about you: )
Pezbi 19. zář. 2023 v 16.02 
I love how when I came to your school on Valentine's day, you were dressed so beautiful and you had me spend the rest of the day at school with you. I love how much I wanna brag about you, no matter how bad it annoys my friends. I love how creative our gifts are and how they have meaning. I love how we wrote eachother letters and notes: ) I love cuddling with you: ) I love it how when we go for a drive, you'll cuddle my arm: ) I love how insanely bad I just wanna wake you up with a kiss every morning: ) I wanna make you breakfast in bed. I wanna let you know everyday how crazy about you I am: ) I love how if our relationship had a mascot, it'd be a lady bug lol. I love how we ruff house and always take pictures: ) your smile and adorableness makes us such a cute couple. I love Lulu and you love big dog: )
Pezbi 19. zář. 2023 v 16.02 
I love our good mornings and I love our good byes. You are the sweetest nicest smartest girl I know: ) I love how we talk on the phone for a total of about 11 hrs a week. I love how we call eachother during school and just say "hey baby, I miss you" I love how you are a freaking natural at bubble shooter and you taught me how to play temple run: ) I love how we take naps together: ) I love how we play with eachothers pets and love em: ) I live how no matter what delema were in, we can always make it fun and laugh, (for example: when my brakes went out completely and we were coasting around the parking lot with my foot all the way down on the brakes). I love it when you laugh, its adorable: ) I love love love love love being sweet to you: ) i love how after your homecoming, I was already comfortable ennough to whisper sing to you: ) I love how we have the same style: ) I love surprising you, and seeing your smily reaction: )
Pezbi 19. zář. 2023 v 16.01 
Ok so its 2am. AND I FREAKING MISS YOU! you are so beautiful in so many ways: ). Your cuteness is unbielevable: ) there is so much I love about you. Your smile is so amazing, that when I see it I just forget about all the bad stuff that has ever happened in my life an just think about how lucky I am: ) baby, you have a perfect personality for me.....it's like we love the same foods and we always agree on contraversal subjects in this world. I love it how you come to me for advise. I love it how when you're sick or in pain or just miss me, and no matter where or who I'm with.....I'll call you and talk to you about it. I love it how I am your shoulder that you can cry on and the hug you need when you're sad. I live making traditional foods when I'm at your house, like pickle ritz and Smoothies: ) I love burning brownies with you: ) I love how when I had a tooth ache, you wanted to drop all your plans and go to the dentist with me: ) I love how you are always there for me: )
xegg 16. úno. 2023 v 18.30 
wee wee woo woo