Baulchy   Caerphilly, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
No arches,farmer sausage toes with big thick bullet proof nails...
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500 XP
Elitepotatoz Mar 20, 2016 @ 1:47pm 
"Mweep Mweep Mweep" :steamsalty:
Forbidden Garfield Jan 30, 2016 @ 8:26pm 
Among the most prominent Japanese composers (although I use
the word ‘Japanese’ superfluously, as even the most well-known American composers are barely competent at best), one in particular stands out to the enlightened music consumer. His name: Juntaro Yamanouchi. For the record, this is not to undermine the amazing works of other incredibly talented composers such as Akita-san or Kazuyuki-san, but to highlight the unique, almost celto-tropic music (the word music is an understatement) that Juntaro Yamanouchi has been composing for years. It would be sheer ignorance to deny that Yellow Trash Bazooka is anything but the magnum opus of music; its lilting and oftentimes haunting screaming and amplified defecation soothe all but the most savage of breasts while its tense layers of feedback and frantic drumming ignite a blazing passion that can be quenched only by the casette tape box with the dried tentacle inside.
psycho-adey Sep 20, 2014 @ 8:48pm 