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1 person found this review helpful
37.1 hrs on record
This was tough to get trough.

If you've played previous titles, you will find this one to be particularly annoying for many reasons. The story is filled with horrendously over done cliches and plot holes that will leave you both not interested and wondering where did it all go so wrong. The characters that are introduced are simultaneously bland and too quirky.
There's also a lot of relying on playing Tales from the Borderlands to "get" most of the dialogue within those characters. The pacing is so all over the place that if you're not paying attention for 15 seconds you might miss a crucial plot point, because there's no fanfare or buildup. Other times you will be tuned in for hours listening in to mind-numbing dialogue, waiting for the game to get the show on the road.

But for me what truly killed the enjoyment out of this game was the difficulty.
It's so laughably easy to get trough your first play trough you might as well get a family pet to do it. The amount of legendary drops are so high that there is no use to any drops that aren't orange. Forget doing sidequests to get unique weapons that can really come in handy when you're getting screwed over by RNG.

You can easily get pimped out on legendary drops within the first 5-10 hours of the game. I did not go into Fight for Your Life ONCE while fighting the main campaign bosses of this game, most fights ending before I even had to reload my equipped weapon. This dynamic forces you to basically play trough the entire slog of the campaign first before you can even feel challenged in the slightest in your second play trough when you unlock modifiers to make the game more difficult. Previous titles in the franchise like Borderlands 1, 2 and Pre-Sequel were far more balanced and you actually had to think where to spend your skill points. I played as Moze, and once I unlocked the Forge skill that allows your gun to regenerate ammo in your magazine, I felt like the already extremely easy difficulty might as well have become godmode. It wasn't rewarding, challenging or exciting to fight new bosses, because they all went down faster than the game could get trough it's own introductory dialogue.
I played this trough with someone else and we both collectively must have died less than 5 times.

All of this combined made my overall experience of this game tedious at best and abysmally grating at worse. It's the video game equivalent of being force fed Cheetos until you're begging it to end.

Unless you're a hardcore fan of the series, get Borderlands 2 and some friends and play that instead. I don't think I will be returning to play the DLC on this game.
Posted June 23, 2023.
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