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Évaluations récentes de Lt. Scout

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3 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
0.3 h en tout
This is more of a "maybe" recommendation leaning towards no for now. I would like to offer my thoughts to the developer, in a way I hope does not come off too harshly.

-Playing around with the main menu and settings, sometimes the highlight for the selected object does not seem to work. Low Priority fix but was a little off putting.
-A second bar for stamina and health to indicate loss of either/both would be nice. The chunks of HP and stamina vanishing is a little jarring.
-Enemy lock-on is a little bit... odd? In the hallway with multiple enemies, it always seemed to try to lock onto the furthest enemy.

-The environment itself looks nice, although the contrast between the Player, the enemies, and the level designs is quite jarring. The PC is a Spiral Knights inspired looking character, who's chibi-esque nature does not fit the Dark Souls tone of the environment, and the Terminator looking mobs really do not mesh well. I would honestly love to see the game lean more into the Chibi style that the main character has. both for the environment and the enemies.
-The lighting and sword effects were quite a treat. The blue glow effect of the sword really helped it feel unique.

-Movement feels fine, a little sticky but also floaty at times. I had more trouble getting caught on map elements than I did with any of the enemies.
-Attacks could use a bit more heft to them. Maybe a slightly longer animation time, a slower transition between animations, something to make the fights feel weighty. Enemies and the player could use some more indication that they had taken damage, as I did not notice when the player took damage and enemies often felt that I just needed to slap them until they were dead.
-Boss was a bit broken. The first time I got to him, the game totally bugged out and locked the camera at weird angle, and the boss stood there and let me wail on him till he died. Second time, he just circle strafed me the whole time, while I just spammed light attacks on him.
-Stamina comes back extremely slowly. The flow of the game is really odd when you have these few seconds of just spamming attacks and then waiting for the stamina to regen so you can do it again. Enemies do not provide enough pressure to warrant the feeling of managing the stamina bar.
-The scan is a neat idea, and could be really fun if there are more puzzle solving elements later. I would love to see some upgrades to it that maybe increase damage to scanned enemies or something like that.

-I am excited to see where this heads in the future. Right now, the game is obviously still in some prototyping stages but the potential is there. Despite the issues I presented, I do feel that the game has solid bones and could develop nicely if given enough time in the oven.
Évaluation publiée le 3 septembre 2023.
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2 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
14.1 h en tout (6.2 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Incredibly fun, and a good challenge. The game itself is a wonderful homage to the 16bit era, and plays amazingly well. If you're a fan of the retro, adventure type games (think combining Super Mario World, Link's Adventure, and some MegaMan style platforming) then I certainly recommend it. The boss fights are tremendously fun and quite the challenge, but not in a cheap or unfair way. The music makes me weep tears of joy, it is some of the best chiptune I have ever heard.

The amount of jokes and references to other internet trends and subcultures is amazing and hilarious. There are jokes ranging from poking fun at Dark Souls, to Team Fortress 2's hat obsession, and even jabbing at the crowd-funding games.

The only thing I don't really like is how easy it becomes to level up your health after the first few bosses. I had a ton of health before finishing the second set of bosses, and it makes the game far less difficult.

Amazing platforming
Challenging but Fair Combat
God-like music.
Charming jokes and references
Fun "encounter" sequences

Can increase max health very quickly/easily
Difficulty may turn some people off
I don't recommend the use of the keyboard, it's easier to use a controller
Évaluation publiée le 27 juin 2014.
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1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation utile
0.1 h en tout
Avis donné pendant l'accès anticipé
You want to understand the definition of lazy, rude, and unmotivated indie developers? Buy this game, and try, just ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ TRY to play it. You will get so sick of it so quickly, and when trying to suggest things to the devs or complain about how features in the trailer aren't even in the game, prepare to be chortled at and mocked by them and the rabid fanboys that hang on to the hope that this game will be worth anything near the $20 they paid for it.

Stay away from this game, it's people like CodeHatch that make Indie developers look awful.

EDIT: Whoever put this as a flash sale during the Summer Sale deserves to be hit by a bus.
Évaluation publiée le 24 juin 2014. Dernière modification le 24 juin 2014.
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206.6 h en tout (120.0 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Really like this game; fun challenge but not too hard. Very rewarding gameplay and nice rewards for those who check their environments for loot. No game satisfies like the Souls games do. However, this one is rather lacking compared to the first one in terms of holding my attention, as the areas are interesting but the enemies are very repetitive throughout the majority of the game. Also if you're into co-op, this one is basically made to co-op and it makes the game super easy. The game is easy enough solo, I outstripped my friends quickly and soloed every area and boss in NG++ relatively easily with a SL 200 character. Overall, I recommend it. Main gripes; enemies being so similar throughout the game, and hexes being rather overpowered in PvP in higher level characters.

Évaluation publiée le 28 mai 2014.
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3 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
6.9 h en tout (5.1 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Is an extremely fun game; at first. After playing a few hours with my friends (a while ago, but I imagine this still holds true), the PvP gets REALLY stale. Using a variety of ships, switching positions, etc. can only do so much for a game like this. I was hoping that when I bought this game a week after its release, that it would be a fun, long term PvP game for my usual friends to play with. It wasn't. The main thing I would like to see, which is promised by the devs, is a PvE experience. This is, however, supposed to be released in 2015, and based on my understanding, will be a paid for DLC.

I did enjoy the mechanics and idea a lot, but trying to be tactical in this game has no rewards; the best strategy is to charge headlong into battle and ram the enemy with guns blazing, which gets boring after a while. I would have liked to see some more variety in the way you tackle other ships. Maybe some boarding and the ability to actually hurt the other crew members? Or perhaps just a better artillery cannon...

The upsides: Fun to screw around with friends in, good roleplaying potential.

The Downsides: Stale gameplay, repetitive combat, overall a game you'll play for 5-20 hours and be totally done with for a long time.

I give it a 4/10, with a potential to be better in the future with more added, hopefully free, content.
Évaluation publiée le 18 mai 2014.
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1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation utile
0.8 h en tout
If you haven't played this game and you like class based shooters and RTS games, you're missing out. Playing this with friends is one of the best gaming experience I've ever had! Just make sure your Commander takes care of you in the field. Nothing worse than having an AFK Commander in this game.
Évaluation publiée le 6 mars 2012.
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