judge of law
Dublin, Ireland
Review Showcase
1.1 Hours played
Difficult game to describe, chaotic gag manga road trip, maybe? a lot of fun the whole way through, never too serious, great characters and some genuinely hilarious moments, a story that feels both gargantuan and personal at the same time.

apologies to pla² but definitely recommended.
dumb quotes
yosh : this is literally almost as autistic as you are
yosh : just go normal soldier

Valkyrie : hopefully we can start in div5 and move to div6

15:36 - Brb Pulling My Penis: brb

Allan-Bigboss92 : avv what have a hack
Allan-Bigboss92 : avv what u ♥♥♥♥ off hack noob back to satan..

19:41 - yosh: european? more like UR A PEON LOL

TF2 The Soldier : wow why dont use a bow?

Pearl Harbor LF ♥♥♥ Lover : U ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ SUCK ♥♥♥♥ BIG ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥ FROM ASS HELL

Thorin Oakenshield : now do as ur mom sais and ♥♥♥♥♥♥ daddy

01:30 - Nemo 風林火山: I have convinced everyone on Azelphur that someone got banned for being black yesterday on the server

*DEAD* fives : such some son of a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

(TEAM) Lopenter_BC : i will ♥♥♥♥ the sentrys

*DEAD* ?UP | Corvo Attano : I just like to use my vast vocabulary against my foes :D

*SPEC* ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Max™ : you seem like a hacker

7:36 PM - Rikard :33: tilde's are like the easiest way to make yourself seem like a ♥♥♥♥

7:51 PM - Avvurus: have fun with your essay haha
7:52 PM - yomoDAVE(CAN PLAY DOTA SOON!!): 2k words is like my ♥♥♥♥, not too long but still really hard

10:54 AM - average ebola: IN MY SCHOOL
10:54 AM - average ebola: WE RUN AWAY FROM THE LESBIANS
10:54 AM - average ebola: IN THIS ANIME
10:54 AM - average ebola: THEY DONT HIDE
10:54 AM - average ebola: THEY JUST MAKE OUT
10:54 AM - average ebola: JAPAN WTF

subtle as Hitler himself: my penis can reach infinite distance
subtle as Hitler himself: but it only reach to u
subtle as Hitler himself: because u r my world <3

Flopy: i mean
Flopy: why dont you have internet
Flopy: im in the 3rd world country
Flopy: even i have internet
Flopy: love you tho

11:06 PM - Avvurus: flopy
11:06 PM - Avvurus: send me ♥♥♥♥ pics
11:07 PM - 46: 8==============================================>

9:48 PM - Dex: i am a mature student now
9:48 PM - Dex: with my own dorm
9:48 PM - Dex: and now I maturely decide
9:48 PM - Dex: to eat nutella with a spoon
9:48 PM - Dex: from the jar

3:13 PM - Aron: dont worry about this for now
3:13 PM - Avv: kk
3:13 PM - Aron: just do it freely as you like
3:13 PM - Aron: aron can do anything
3:14 PM - Aron: I can make horses fly ;D;D but for now design should be in focus

[Het] Keaton: Avvu ever seen anything like your current name? I sure Avv'nt
Avvu: I Avv actually
Avvu: Avv been getting sick off seeing it everywhere
[Het] Keaton: It's be nice to see Avvariety of punny names, but the Avvalanche of wit that once plagued us has since settled.
Avvu: fine you get on the quote wall I haven't seen either of them before

Kirin: Very punny.
Avv a nice day :): Avvin a laff m8?
Kirin: can't return fire... name is too... odd
Avv a nice day :): yeah you're really kirin your chances of making name-based puns
Kirin: It's even harder now that I've slammed my head into my desk repeatedly. gettin kinda dark

*DEAD* Matt "Thats what she said" ♥♥♥♥ : they put the health pot right in the way of the blade!

9:36 PM - Flopy: but im lagging all of the sudden
9:36 PM - Avvu: all of the sudden?
9:36 PM - Avvu: that's quite a lot of the sudden
9:36 PM - Avvu: i'd only lag like 80% of the sudden
9:36 PM - Flopy: WFT ARE YU ON ABOUT

9:59 PM - edgy musician from australia: PewDiePie has 31,171,050 subs
10:00 PM - strafing is harder than my ♥♥♥♥: Jesus christ why is he so retarded
10:00 PM - strafing is harder than my ♥♥♥♥: Ive been to funerals funnier than this guy

raycarolandboys : u hacking devil
Avv : raycarolandboys : u hacking devil
raycarolandboys : STOP COPY
Avv : raycarolandboys : STOP COPY
raycarolandboys left the game (Disconnect by user).

11:31 - Ivan's in love /lft: you're as autistic as one can be
11:33 - Ivan's in love /lft has changed their name to avv and switch are both retarded.

23:40 - Popcorp: i erect every time i mge
23:40 - Popcorp: (ง ͠° ͟ʖ ͠°)ง

VIP+ Timnirvana : nice one i admet it
VIP+ Timnirvana : but taunting after kill is like dance after take a ♥♥♥♥

Kiteki: I finished reading Things Fall Apart
Kiteki: and it's literally the saddest ♥♥♥♥ ever
Kiteki: Gonna go drown myself in rice
generic everyday avv: #JustAsianThings

15:38 - gandhi: u know judge judy
15:38 - gandhi: is it a real court n that
15:41 - Avv @ PC_DOWN: she's just a 'problem sovler'
15:41 - Avv @ PC_DOWN: shes not legal like
15:41 - gandhi: shouldnt call herself judge
15:42 - gandhi: ill knock her out

adam.horace44 : Nice try, sucker! Winner of the dumbest ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ on Earth. Now ♥♥♥♥ off and die you punkass son of a dumb ugly cow.

JJJPlaysGS : memegenorator sucks too he doesnt give ANY ONE A CHANCE
memegenerator : could you say that again but say avv instead of memegenerator?
memegenerator : close enough
JJJPlaysGS : i dont care if u have autism or not go to church

S.C.R.U.B | Ninja GrandMaster: just so you know i'm recording this so your can't lie about mge victory
memegenerator (Score:20) defeats S.C.R.U.B | Ninja GrandMaster (Score:2) in duel to 20 on Badlands spire

20:46 - Soda: [21:46:20] Avv lämnade servern.
20:46 - Soda: lämnade servern.

1:43 PM - iiTz GaaNDHii: my mother thinks im retarded
1:43 PM - iiTz GaaNDHii: but im just stoned

16:31 - Switch: med is ez road to prem, div6 medic is therefore the living embodiment of aids

11:25 PM - NotAD: I am blasting Papa toast
11:25 PM - NotAD: and cutting myself
11:25 PM - Avvaloose: papa toast
11:25 PM - NotAD: roach *
11:26 PM - Avvaloose: lolwow
11:26 PM - NotAD: gg emoself, gg
11:26 PM - Avvaloose: cut my loaf into slices
11:26 PM - Avvaloose: this is my half and half

K!N6 R4!N : please

*DEAD* Avv_what? : lel demo
*DEAD* UltaKi: Lazy's DJ : nice job taunting
*DEAD* Avv_what? : nice job sucking
UltaKi: Lazy's DJ : nice job getting banned
You have been banned by the server (See lazypurple.net for more info).
ᴱᵛᵃ Jun 5 @ 7:16pm 
ᴱᵛᵃ Jun 5 @ 7:16pm 
insdelenter May 13 @ 6:55pm 
Rango NØKKSTER Dec 23, 2022 @ 11:33pm 
:missing::tigerinablanket::reheart::heart: Merry Christmas! :heart::reheart::tigerinablanket::missing:
Rango NØKKSTER Oct 31, 2022 @ 4:14am 
:reheart::heart::r3skull: :missing: HAPPY HALLOWEEN :missing: :r3skull::heart::reheart:
Rango NØKKSTER Aug 13, 2021 @ 12:49pm 
very rad :) :r3skull: