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7.0 hrs on record
100th review
Posted April 14.
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19.9 hrs on record (17.2 hrs at review time)
Time to chime in! I Love this game. Last couple years I've stopped getting hyped for games out of fear of them turning out bad buuut, I couldn't help but get excited for this one as I waited and waited. I'm so grateful that it lived up to the hype!

Movement: The game feels like JSRF with more emphasis on combos, tricks & movement (which I have always wanted.) I love JSR/F but this game tops it with just having fun being able to move around so much more. I seriously just can't get enough of just messing around to the point where even the graffiti took a back seat to the movement for me. I ended up turning the game into just having fun trying to observe the environment and create a combo route to get all the score achievements.
I seriously can't understate how awesome the movement is. Especially when mixed with that visual style. It's truly top notch and carries the whole game so hard.

Graffiti: Graffiti system is a huge improvement over JSR but I still prefer the real time spraying of JSRF I think.
It's awesome how fluid you can end up performing these, but real-time is well real-time lol. Even JSR with it's long as QTEs the small ones were instant. Wish the small ones didn't still have a fade to black cutscene. But still this system is good. Especially when you realize how it works with combos.

Difficulty: I appreciate that this game is accessible to people who know of JSR/F but haven't really played them before. With that said though, I really wish the game was harder. The score achievements were fun but I really wish the main story & crew battles put up more of a fight. Don't think I had a single crew battle where I didn't have like quadruple the other crew's score. Maybe a hard mode aka a "I've played JSR I know what I'm doing" mode would have been nice.

Soundtrack: The soundtrack is godly but a bit small. I do think it was a huge missed opportunity to really make it feel like the music on the phone was this insane playlist or even... dare I say, pirate radio? aha with just 100s of songs. Letting anyone with a good beat get their chance to shine in the game. It's strange that this game's soundtrack is smaller than JSR or JSRF when this game is built from ground up in the internet age and people were practically giving away tracks for them to use. This is a very small nitpick that I know mods can fix but like it just would have been really cool to find out 50% of the total file size was music ahaha. I know a lot of tracks were turned down and legends like 2mello only got in by the skin of their teeth but hey it's their game I respect their choice, I'm just voicing my opinion.

Seeing Mr. Naganuma return of course is always pleasant but I think what some people don't realize is Deavid Soul had a large number of tracks in both JSR games and I don't know how hard it would have been to contact them but god I wish they got them for this game too. I love Mr. Naganuma but DS deserves some more recognition!

Misc: The only other complaint I have is the game just lacks a tad of personality/identity. The graphics are incredible and the story is pretty alright too but just without a DJ/Host and just the general vibe the game feels like a trope rather than an identity. It's JSR/F without like that striking in your face "THIS IS ME" feeling you get form those games. It's really hard to explain.

Those games defined an aesthetic and this game is simply emulating it. I can tell it's also trying to be it's own thing a bit but it didn't commit to that enough either and is still not as in your face as the source material it's based off of. This game's silent title screen VS UNDERSTAND, UNDERSTAND or just the dude screaming JET SET RADIOOOOOO in JSRF and JSR respectively I think sums this up in a condensed form. That feeling I think extends to the rest of the game as well. Don't get me wrong this game's aesthetic and vibe is still GOOD. It's just missing that secret sauce that final chemical X that would make it ascend beyond good.

THESE ARE NITPICKS. I just wanted to express them. I can't say enough how much I do love this game. It really is what I've always wanted. The other games still have those personalities and OSTs, they aren't going anywhere. All I wanted JSR3 to improve on was the gameplay and THIS IS THAT. This game is gameplay first and the rest second, JSR/F was an aesthetic defined with gameplay as nothing but the backdrop. For the full cel shaded street punks experience I would honestly play all three games.


P.S honorable mention to Hover. It tried but this is really where it's at lmao
Posted August 30, 2023.
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4.7 hrs on record (1.7 hrs at review time)
Great cute little game with super fluid controls with some fun movement and no nonsense straight to the point gameplay.
No story, no tutorial just pure gameplay.
Good soundtrack but levels 3&4 have a godly music track that stands out above the rest.
It is a 1 hour game but it's super fun and worth the 3 dollars.
Though if 1 hour seems a bit short I'm sure a sale is right up your ally for this one.
Posted December 8, 2022.
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3.5 hrs on record
yeaaa it's gonna be a pass from me. Movement just ain't what I'm talkin' about. It's less my mother's lasagna and more sleepin' with the fishes. Ya feel me?
Posted March 21, 2022.
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5 people found this review helpful
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120.5 hrs on record (24.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Posted September 30, 2020.
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7 people found this review helpful
0.2 hrs on record (0.2 hrs at review time)
Posted February 11, 2020.
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16.5 hrs on record (13.6 hrs at review time)
One of the best Metroidvania games I've ever played and I've played a lot of em lol. I haven't seen a game get this creative with time powers like ever and it feels great to just really get that Sakuya/Dio vibe the whole way through. Although exploration and backtracking is kinda shallow and is usually just for a few upgrades to help you along the way, it makes up for that in fun combat, enemy types and bosses with absolutely gorgeous pixel art with such absurd attention to detail it's mind boggling. The second you start the game look at the rain when you slowdown time to see what I mean. On a side note the soundtrack is hella sick and is the perfect mix of that symphony of the night style and classic Touhou. Very good video game
Posted March 4, 2019.
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2 people found this review helpful
1,212.5 hrs on record (41.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Big Chicken Fish Man Combos make me smile
Posted August 9, 2018.
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996.2 hrs on record
Preservation of media is more important than marketing. Judging my the low 30 day review average. It seems Valve fully knew keeping CSGO's reviews tied to CS2 would be an attempt to cover up any potential bad press. This is something I'd expect from EA or Ubisoft. Not Valve. Shameful. Even if the game is great media preservation is more important. I can still hop on CS:S and have a good time. A separate exe would not have been hard. Even just a legacy option using the betas tab in properties would have been fine. Valve doesn't get a free pass just because they are usually better than other scummy big devs. Hold them accountable for their wrong doings.
Posted November 6, 2015. Last edited October 11, 2023.
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2 people found this review helpful
1 person found this review funny
1,227.4 hrs on record (393.4 hrs at review time)
Posted June 21, 2013.
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