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1 person found this review helpful
6.2 hrs on record (6.2 hrs at review time)
Spread the Love ❤️
Posted March 24.
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17.2 hrs on record
A must play!
Posted November 25, 2021.
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1 person found this review helpful
2.3 hrs on record
Solid game.
Posted November 27, 2020.
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8 people found this review helpful
22.8 hrs on record (22.7 hrs at review time)
This is exactly how I imagine a Open World Zombie Survival Simulation game would be, In fact I'm surprised how good the game actually is, anyway here are my thoughts;

- Large Open World, I've only just explore the first two areas, there’s still so much more areas I need to discover.
- Different Types of Zombie Enemies
- Nice and Fluid Combat System, and Running Over Zombies with your car or door attack always feels great :D
- Like an actual Simulator, there are limited amount of cars & fuel resources and they can blow up/get damaged, your weapons can break, and your character can get injured and tired, and It can be difficult to fight back large zombie hoards if you are alone when all of the above happens to you :P
- You Can Establish Outposts around the Town, Create medical bays, gardens to grow your own food, radio tower for communication, shooting lookouts to improve your community overall shooting skills and defensive range of your Outpost.Your community can also expand larger by finding more suvivors.
- You will need to go out for supply runs every so often to make sure you have enough Food, Medicine, Building materials, Ammo etc.
- Controller Enabled! :D (I think the game feels better playing with a controller - Might just be my personal preference)
- Countless of Hours Playtime

- I noticed there were a few negative reviews saying this game can get repetitive, due to the quests which are given like random shortages/goods or trades with your fellow neighbours, with that being said players can get bored and stop playing.
- When it gets dark you should be given the option to sleep.
- Single Player Only.


I think if this game is already very good for what it is. Very fun and Enjoyable. Personally, i'd give it a 8/10 but if it wanted a 10/10. What i'd suggest is..

- Since there are already a few main characters you meet at the start of the game you could tell an in-depth story for each character like in GTA 5 you can switch characters and play through different characters story and learn more about them, also some good cut scenes would be quite great, perhaps with some conflict between two or more characters or even other groups.

- New Expansion in the near future with a map extention, new weapons, cars, homes that go up to like 50-100 people to manage, go out in groups of 5-10 to do super dangerous missions, everything in big scale too :P

Last but not least If this game was Online, Multiplayer, Co-op would be super awesome, simply cause playing with friends makes games even more enjoyable.

Anyway those are my Pros, Cons and Suggestions. I Love this game and I recommend giving state of decay a shot if you enjoy games in this genre, Thanks for reading.

- Chrono
Posted December 4, 2013. Last edited March 12, 2014.
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11 people found this review helpful
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4.6 hrs on record (0.7 hrs at review time)
I do understand that this is an early access game, which is why I rather would not have this negative vote but instead more towards a neutral vote.

I wouldn’t recommend buying this game ever for $15 (their current full price) unless or until it gets some heavy updates, to be honest the quality of the game feels like it should be a free to play game or wait for this game to be on 75-90% sale if you want to try this game.

I think it’s nice that there’s a nice bunch of characters with a backstory at the start of the game to choose from, graphics are not bad either, and the trailer definitely makes you want to give this game a go lol.

However To simply put it, the gameplay experience was not fun at all, there needs a lot more work on the map design, animation, GPS routing, lots of bugs and everything just does not feel smooth/fluid. Also I experienced long loading times, and this game does not like you ALT tabbing (Might just be on my side). I am disappointed since I got hyped up from the trailer and the game did not deliever.

I do hope they’ll fix all the problems, and also if you are going to charge money for this game keep in mind the competitors/rival zombie co-op survival games you guys must compete with and make this a success.

Wish you guys all the best.
Posted November 30, 2013. Last edited November 30, 2013.
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21 people found this review helpful
9.7 hrs on record (8.7 hrs at review time)
Extremely Fun and Funny Simple two button fighting game, however perhaps simple to learn and pickup there’s still a decent amount of skill involved; lots of mind games, spacing, timing, and quick reactions just like all fighting games.

Lots of the Dive kicks are from many of the popular fighting game characters we all know and play, and are parodies of some characters, you will get some good laughs when you get into your first fight, and get your first head shot too :)

I would never buy the two button fight pad that they are selling lol but yeah they do exist for those real Dive kick fans, I do play with my 360 controller works fine.

I have had one issue which is when two Xbox 360 controllers are plugged in, it only recognizes one and player two must play with keyboard. Even though it’s not a big deal I’d still prefer if the two controllers both worked at the same time, maybe its just on my side, but yes that’s the only issue I had.

Overall a Fun, Funny and Entertaining game, and very good to play when you got a few mates over, its will get everyone hyped and shouting when we get some good duels :) I'd recommend.
Posted November 26, 2013. Last edited November 26, 2013.
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3 people found this review helpful
29.2 hrs on record (26.7 hrs at review time)
Ever had an interest in learning to play guitar? Or Love music rhythm games, well this is for you.

Personally from my experience so far, Rocksmith 2014 is much more polished and with lots of new fun features in the new 2014 edition to the first release, arcade games are better and the learning process for each song has improved too with feedback and recommendations after you play, built in video guitar lessons from professionals (which are very good), and you learn at your own pace. Even if you cannot play guitar after playing this you will be able to learn to play or enjoy playing a simpler version of the song with the simplified notes.

Also another thing is back in high school i took guitar lessons, and played guitar but i never actually played a song from start to finish, usually just random riffs or just mucking about, but Rocksmith makes learning the song and practicing even just a single song for hours fun.

Also for a low price, if you own a guitar and don’t already own this game, I recommend giving this a go, Super fun, and makes even the boring and hard part of learning guitar extremely fun, and having the progress bar is extremely nice to see how well you are doing and the game motivates you to try and 100% master the song. Also for musicians the Jam sessions have intelligent Ai to Jam with which is pretty cool.

Only issues I had was a little audio lag, and also the volume on my High E and sometimes the B string might not get recognized however takes a bit of time calibrating the right settings, but once everything is all set up and sounding nicely, it’s a very fun game and fastest guitar learning software & game out there.
Posted October 26, 2013. Last edited November 26, 2013.
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19.2 hrs on record (19.2 hrs at review time)
One of the best games I’ve played in a long time, a great release from Square Enix and by far one of the top titles for 2013.

You will play as the innocent Lara croft, as the game continue you will see a fast character development to the survival hard killer Lara.

The graphics for the characters and environment look beautiful. Game mechanics feel looks and feels great, nice upgrades for equipment and weapons and skills which can be upgraded as you progress. The intelligent level design is incredible, you will have fun exploring and solving the puzzles to get to the places you want to.

You can tell a lot of work was put into this game, every little detail is done extremely from something simple like climbing walls or just walking in-between walls or crawling or crouching in small caves rocks, or being submerged in water with just your head out with very little space to move for example, you can feel the tight space in that environment. Also the death scenes are brutal, you will know what I mean when you play it lol.

At one point the game felt/reminded me of an episode of the TV Series Lost how a plane crashes and they are stuck on a magical/spiritual island that isn’t normal lol.

There’s really not a lot of negative things I can say about this game besides perhaps there were only 2 main boss fights and maybe adding more tombs for the game “tomb raider”. Oh actually there is one, the multiplayer is awful but yeah other than that buy this game for the single player, anyway Overall an Amazing MUST play title.
Posted October 11, 2013. Last edited November 26, 2013.
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2 people found this review helpful
136.8 hrs on record (54.4 hrs at review time)
A must play game, if you enjoyed payday the hiest you will absolutely love this, its just like it except much more polished and improved version of the first i guess you could say. It feels like you are actually in a real hiest, requires team work. You may decide in your group to do it loud with guns and smash and grab or steathly and sneak your way in taking a guard out one by one and controlling civilians/hostages and is extremely fun and addictive. The FPS side of the game feels like Call of duty style with the running, aiming and shooting of the guns.This game also have controller support, however for these kinda games I'd stick with the good old keyboard and mouse for more precision and control. Built in mic chat which is great for communication. Customization is totally awesome, masks can be unlocked with different materials, patterns and colours as well as gun mods and a 4 skill trees.

On the downside there are only so many levels, and it may get repetitive, after i got lvl 60 on the first 2-3 days i did start to slow down how much i played this game. The ai is extremely poor and i would recommend playing online regardless if you are a begginer because I know many of you out there who are new to this game would play some single player first to get a good feel of the missions or playing solo but it is much harder since the AI's are completely useless. Just play online and you will learn as you go and enjoy the game much more with everyone else.

Overall an awesome game, and a must play.
Posted September 3, 2013.
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1.8 hrs on record
Bleed is actually a pretty good game, play it with your 360 controller its more fun. Its not an easy game which is why I like it, reminds me of the old classic megaman games, with the boss fights, dodging tiny particles and spamming your gun and dashing around the level. Few characters and weapons available, You can buy it for about $2.99 on steam sale.
Posted September 1, 2013.
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