Probably drawing or playing something... I guess?

(Profile picture drawn by me!)
Právě je online
I'm an artist who goes by many names. You may or may not have seen a few of my pieces floating around the internet, or in a few Discord groups/DM's and such.


- I rarely post my stuff anywhere. And please... don't judge what I create. It may or may not be up my ally, but it may be for someone who's it is.

- If you feel ashamed of any kinks you have, you do not deserve them. But don't shove them down others throats either. I learned this from an artist I highly respect.

- I am EXTREMELY anti-social and currently unemployed. Forgive me for not existing for long periods of time. It's just how I am.

I believe anyone can be an artist if they commit, but if there is self doubt in your heart even when your talent shows and your to blind to see it, and CHOOSE to wallow in your angst, we cannot be friends. I've suffered from depression my whole entire life, and I've tried to help many getting out of their funks but it's never gone well.

Don't be afraid of getting down and dirty with your work as it always can be refined later. And I'm not tooting my own horn either. My work suffers a lot of the time be it from lack of motivation and or time. But someone will love it for what it is... out there in the huge digital sea we call the internet!

You are loved, don't let anyone ever tell you any different ever!

donkey kong holding a barrel 17. dub. v 10.31 
Having this on your Wall

Increase energy levels
Make you feel younger, more youthful.
Improve self-esteem
Clear your mind
Make you appear more youthful
Relax tensed muscles, including facial muscles where tension is aging, thus making you look younger.

Sticky 6. pro. 2023 v 4.13 
donkey kong holding a barrel 25. lis. 2023 v 16.21 
*burps* oops
Sticky 25. lis. 2023 v 2.05 
Lozo 4. zář. 2023 v 5.35 
Put this on your profile if I can support your
donkey kong holding a barrel 3. zář. 2023 v 19.54 
Put this on your profile if you