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4,010 hrs on record
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1,096 hrs on record
last played on Apr 16
Greg 4 hours ago 
literally whined the entire game when he was going 13-19
Px1 Apr 23 @ 1:08pm 
+rep pretty good player
fonz Apr 7 @ 7:55pm 
ayo can you reconnect to my game please?
{TOXIC} HuntDad Apr 1 @ 8:37pm 
𝐻𝓎𝓅𝑜 ♛ Mar 1 @ 6:56pm 
game aint over ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Sherlock Holmes Feb 28 @ 8:39pm 
I honestly appreciate that you play to win, and that you use callout and play as a team, but you need to ease up a little with the negativity. We would win a round, and instead of saying good job followed by "but perhaps next time we...", you instantly act as though it was a massive fail. I'm absolutely 100% with you that if you're in comp game, you play to win, but you need to also remember people play for fun too, and there's a spectrum between sweaty try-hard (respect to them), and trolling/throwing/having a laugh. Maybe our Blue was a little too chill. Great game though friend.