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33.2 hrs on record (25.3 hrs at review time)
If you haven't played DUCK GAME...

Posted September 2, 2017.
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27.4 hrs on record
Early Access Review
This game is a giant bug fest and I'm not talking about the giant insects in the game.

I wouldn't recomend this game for 15.00$ And I sure as ♥♥♥♥ will not recommend this game for 60.00$
Instead of fixing general and glaring issues with the base game they decided to make a now 20.00$ expansion pack witch has the same glaring issues as the original.

Right now the devs are just trying for a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ cash grab with these increased prices don't fall for it wait until they finish creating a fully functional game that doesn't lag uncontrollably anytime you enter.

If they ever fix the glaring issues with instability of servers, optimization and the thousands of bugs/glitches then Maybe this game would be worth 15.00$ at the Point that they fix those issues I may even pay 25.00$ but until then I wouldn't bother and I don't think you should either.
Posted July 15, 2017.
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69.9 hrs on record (3.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review

Quick current review.


Free to play.

Fun gameplay.

Variety of weapons/armor.

Entertaining world. (even if it's not stalker)

Decent graphics.

Constantly updated (Devs aren't giving up)

Tough learning curve. (for me thats a plus)



Lack of explanation for various systems within the game such as group xp bonuses and exp bonuses from certain equiped items.

Can be laggy.

Has bugs.

Crashes semi regularily. (I've never crashed during gameplay just in menu)

Some people have issues with install.

Tough learning curve. (for those it may bother)


Final thoughts.

As a free to play game I reccomend it at least for everyone to try once. But do remember and keep in mind that it is in alpha state and it is constantly being updated. Overall I have fun with this game and am exited for more.

Posted January 22, 2017.
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0.5 hrs on record
Got the game free but that doesn't make up for it not being any good.

This game is pretty garbage as it stands. controls are a janky mess, gameplay is lackluster and is overall lacking in even basic components.

Appearently this got kickstarted for 160,000 dollars US and just hasn't earned any of it In my opinion.

It likely wont be updated again.

In my opinion I would just steer clear of this game all together unless you hear that it's gotten a massive update that both fills the games missing content and fixes all of it's glaring problems.

Posted January 5, 2017.
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297.6 hrs on record (89.4 hrs at review time)
Gore Galore! 10/10 would smash your head again.
Posted November 27, 2016.
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1.9 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Aside from the gamebreaking glitches bugs and mass freezez/crashes of this game it's really just Another crappy copy of every generic zombie fps/tps game to date. "Dayz, miscreated, Nether, 7 days to die, warz/infestation/whatever those idiots are calling it now." This game just blends in to that big mass.

Its all very generic. it's not bad but it's not good it doesnt really have any outstanding qualities that put it over the others.

I would say stay away from this one mainly off of how the creators have treated it.

The entire game was supposed to be released years ago and was supposed to be a free to play title But instead they split the game in half and are selling the other half at same 20$ price shows they really don't give a ♥♥♥♥ about doing what they set out to do.

Also I'm pretty sure the creators are purposefully drag assing the games progress so they can stay "Early access" since that's the Hot thing right now.

My interactions and time with this game were painfully bad and so I cannot reccomend this game.

Posted November 13, 2016.
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36.7 hrs on record (24.1 hrs at review time)
Good Game in my opinion I keep finding myself coming back even though it's lets say... bumpy.

The game itself is fun to play but new iterations of the deck system totally wipe your progress and that ain't fun.

Overall once it's finished i Imagine it will be quite a good game to play and Ill continue playing.
Posted October 11, 2016.
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5 people found this review helpful
1.8 hrs on record (1.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Really quite a fun game so far it's learning curve can be a bit tough and it feels like characters are imbalanced but overall I'm having fun.

Most of the heroes are behind a paywall and I can't say I'm a fan of that but I also Know that the devs have to make some money.

Posted October 7, 2016.
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3.5 hrs on record (2.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
A good amount of fun to be had here.

Haven't played for a while but seeing that the game is now being worked on after a long time I can't wait to give it another go.

so for now im posting a positive review till I can fully play though since I had a good time with it the first time round.
Posted September 21, 2016. Last edited June 23, 2018.
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69.5 hrs on record (5.4 hrs at review time)

So This is a "free weekend review" and in short the time that I played dead by daylight was thoroughly enjoyed.

I didn't have any issues with finding matches but I hear allot of people did/do have them.
(Maybe it's a regional thing? or maybe the issues are now fixed?)

At any rate This game "for me" had allot of good things going for it Horror being the paramount.
The game is fun and kept me entertained and yes I am now interested in purchasing the game.
(On sale mind you)

do I believe the game is worth it's current price tag?... No. Not really. Or not yet?

Many people's review of the game reflect In this game being "still early access" and I felt some real weight from those claims after playing it. Now that's not to say the game isn't pretty damned entertaining in it's current state but to say it's not missing palpable content just doesn't feel right.

Anyway I did have fun with the game but I just didnt feel it was totally a finished product.

bugs? a few ones now and again. I actually couldn't run the game without crashing on ultra settings and my machines a beast. Other than that there are a few here and there but nothing that ive found to be game breaking.

In closing I would recommend this game to others so long as they don't have issues with matchmaking and are ok with early access-Esque titles.

Posted August 21, 2016.
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