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Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 43.1 hrs on record (33.1 hrs at review time)
Posted: Jul 30, 2016 @ 12:09pm

I'm torn on writing this review. On one hand, it's Lord of the Rings and seeing a hobbit trying to play a guitar solo on a harp using the in-game ability to play music is hilarious. On the other hand, it's excessively pay-to-do anything unless you're willing to fork over $15/month, has very little player-player interaction for a mmorpg, and only continues to be engaging because of the large number of areas to explore while leveling up.

LOTRO, in my opinion, has more existing features to promote player-player interaction than maybe even WoW. However, it doesn't really have the player base that would use such features. Skirmishing (a.k.a. raiding) is almost impossible to find a group for outside of a kinsmanship (clan).

If you like LOTR alot and enjoy the individual explorer feel that modern mmorpg's have become, you'll probably enjoy this game. If you want a mmorpg with an endgame, I just don't see it here.
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MasterCommentator Aug 6, 2016 @ 1:38pm 
Fair enough, even so, at least it's a lot better then most free to play models out there (I'm looking at you, Star Wars The Old Republic!)
At least you're able to do stuff without paying (but have to work for it way more then you should.)
Baccheus Aug 6, 2016 @ 1:27pm 
I didn't say it was pay-to--win. I'm just commenting on all of the TurboPoint (TP ) costs they slip in. Want to ride a mount? TP. Auction slots? TP. Unlock more advanced classes? TP. More than two characters? TP. More storage slots? TP. More trait slots? TP. Advanced Monster Charactes? TP. Advanced character traits? TP. And the one that was the last straw for me: Want to be able to have more in-game gold in hand over the two gold cap? You need TP to unlock that too. What's the fun in grinding to get the thousands of TP's needed for all of that?

I don't mind paying a little to support the game and know they have to make money, but they're taking it to the extreme, especially considering how pricy the expansions are already.
MasterCommentator Jul 30, 2016 @ 10:42pm 
How is it pay to win? If you have the patience you can grind TP and get nearly anything in the in-game cash shop.