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Nedávné recenze uživatele ☠SAR_Boats☠

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19.8 hodin celkem (18.4 hodin v době psaní recenze)
This is a great little game. It has a LOT of different types of solitaire in it and the customization options are fantastic. The artwork is very nicely done. This is probably one of the most wholesome NSFW games because of the customization - the NSFW content can be turned off and replaced with the user's choice of pictures and videos. The developer continues to update and improve the game, and really needs a way for users to support him financially other than the $5 DLC pack. This is probably one of my most favorite games on steam.
Odesláno 23. ledna.
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6 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
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40.3 hodin celkem
Sadly, this game is dead....again.

Originally, Offensive Combat was a web based shooter. The original dev went out of business literally overnight. (The CEO didnt even inform their staff that the company was closing). I was really happy to see the game come back. However, it looks like history has repeated itself with Offensive Combat: Redux.

This game had a rocky relaunch with only a smattering of the original levels. There was some initial interest, but that soon became only a handful of players online for matches at any time. The devs did add some content and game modes to make single player better, but the damage was done. The servers seem to be down permanently and the game is not launchable.

Sad to see such a fun game go, but (since it is a primarily multiplayer game) without a playerbase, it is dead...again

And this time, I dont even have Loadout to play instead.
Odesláno 22. prosince 2019.
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7 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
484.5 hodin celkem (149.0 hodin v době psaní recenze)
Pathetic. FarCry always had a certain something, until now.

Lemme 'splain....Farcry has always had strange AI, ridiculous weapon mechanics, and questionable replayablility. But, what FarCry lacked in realism, or value, it made up for in storyline. The storyline in Farcry 2 was absolutely compelling. The villian in Farcry 3 was absolutely creepy. The Farcry franchise has always been about a compelling storyline and a beautiful environment. The co-op play has always been clunky, and the multiplayer play even worse.

Sadly, Farcry 5 has taken the only thing the franchise was good at, a compelling story, and has traded that in for microtransactions and half-hearted jabs at their target audience. It isnt the jabs that are offensive, it is the lack of commitment. Vaas was absolutely crazy, Pagan was less crazy but still creepy. When you get to the end of the story, you need to put a bullet in the head of the antagonist. The Father is, meh. And if video games are art, then that is the worst insult that can be given. There is very little that is compelling about the storyline, and even less about the cheracters therein. The only compelling person in the entire Farcry 5 world is Jacob, and thats only because his uniform is more stolen valor than scary veteran (srsly, if youre going for "scary PTSD guy" then at least make the uniform right. US Army uniform regs are public domain.)

Seriosly guys. Farcry 2 was genocide and blood diamonds, Farcry 3 was a crazy despot in the middle of nowhere, Farcry 4 was a well heeled drug lord. Farcry 5 is...well...a not really scary cult....who's leader ends up being right? There was sacrifice in 2, pathos in 3 and at least the illusion of decision in 4. In 5, Ubisoft managed to do the unthinkable, they made an open world feel like it was on rails.

The good: New vehicles, supressors arent magic, side commentary of NPCs, prepper stashes are actually better than climbing towers.
The bad: Weapons are refurbished from Farcry 4, Enemies are basically the same, world is still open, can still fast travel (i.e. skip huge swaths of world), still no real penalty for dying, once game is beaten it becomes very boring, typical UbiSoft waiting for promised content (I am on my third playthrough, for some reason, and am waiting for them to add zombies, or mars, or whatever the gold edition grants me) , weapons are still stupid (7.62x51 > 7.62x39, .50BMG doesnt work like that. It just doesnt.), the weapon unlocks make little sense (when exactly does faith brandish a sawedoff 12ga? Oh right, never, she has energy beam things). The buggy gameplay (still waiting on a recruited NPC to actually revive an animal.)

Most egregious is, i feel nothing. According to the story I am a LEO who has a body count somewhere between Simo Hayha and Hitler and every NPC that greets me is thankful. Not wary. Not scared. I get the protagonist being a one-man army, but considering the previous entries in this franchise, is it too much to ask for a little something here?

TLDR: Meh, pass. Play FC2 for the story, or FC3 for the acting, or FC4 for the lols. This is just a blatant cash grab.

Odesláno 10. května 2018.
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3 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
344.1 hodin celkem (310.9 hodin v době psaní recenze)
This is a great, whimsical game with good PvP action and decent PvE modes. The graphics are quite good, in a cartoony way. I have no idea why this game doesnt have the following that TF2 has, but in my opinion this is better.

Definately worth a look.
Odesláno 4. prosince 2016.
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2 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
17.2 hodin celkem (7.8 hodin v době psaní recenze)
A common complaint about videogame with firearms in them is the they aren't realistic enough. This game changes that. This is less of a video game and more of a gunsmith training aid. Every firearm contained is a real life weapon. The mechanics of how they work and how they come apart and go back together is accurate. Ever wanted to see exactly how your favorite weapon in your favorite FPS actually works? This "game" is your answer.

That being said, the GUI is a little clunky at times, and outside of getting achievements the first person aspects are not great. None of this really really detracts from this little gem of a game.
Odesláno 5. června 2016.
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9 osob ohodnotilo tuto recenzi jako užitečnou
1 osoba ohodnotila tuto recenzi jako vtipnou
5,796.1 hodin celkem (1,989.8 hodin v době psaní recenze)
This is a good take on the co-op shooter genre. Great array or weapons, with customization galore. The plot is solid and the gameplay is fun. The only drawbacks are the graphics. Even at maxed, the graphics are not comparable to many higher end games.
Odesláno 9. února 2016.
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