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3 people found this review helpful
229.2 hrs on record (227.7 hrs at review time)
it's ok
Posted November 11, 2022.
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10 people found this review helpful
22.5 hrs on record (19.6 hrs at review time)
A very good Super Monkey Ball clone. If you're looking for SMB gameplay, this game's got it and it does it really well. Medal Mode allows you to do the levels at your own pace, Arcade Mode works like you'd expect and Rush Mode is there if you want to do the levels under time pressure (the levels themselves have no time limit otherwise).

You can do the levels at your own pace, with infinite lives, and the camera controls make the game a lot more convenient. The music and stage backgrounds are really good, so much so that I wish I could buy the soundtrack. The physics in the game work as well as you'd expect, with no surprises or gotchas. The mistakes you make feel like they're really your fault and not the game's. It's definitely a really rewarding game to play and it has a really good presentation.

Even though I love this game and I feel I got my money's worth, I do feel it's not a complete experience and it's missing many things. Given that it's made by one developer, I find it understandable, but it still lacks various QoL features, such as:
  • Independent sensitivity sliders for both controller and mouse camera movement. The options menu share the same sensitivity bar for both. This is important because certain levels require the precision of KB/M but you don't want to change your perfectly fine sensitivity settings for your controller. The pause menu also doesn't allow you to change the game's options on the fly so you have to go back to the main menu to do it.
  • While playing Medal Mode, you have to go to the main menu if you wish to play the next level or a different one, unless you beat the level you're in. It would be convenient if holding the restart button would allow you to skip to the next level without having to go to the main menu to pick a different level.
  • Practice Mode. There's 40 (encore) levels you just can't play unless you go out of your way to do the arcade runs without dying the required number of times, which is a shame because a lot of them are really fun and I wish I could retry them or practice them without the pressure of arcade mode.
  • Replays. Being able to record your best moments or even just seeing you get through the level after you finish it like in Super Monkey Ball would be a really welcome addition, especially after you finish a really hard level.

Although almost all of the levels provide a really fair challenge, there's a few that stick like a sore thumb due to how frustrating they are to complete: Glaves, Razor Blades (Expert) and Balance (Champion) are simply the work of the devil. I'm not ashamed to admit I died a combined thousand times in these three levels because of the TAS levels of precision you need to complete them. However, the game boasts really fun and creative designs elsewhere that offset these difficult levels that I found really pleasant to play and complete as well, and you can also completely skip these levels by holding the retry button, so you don't need to complete them to keep playing, I just did because I'm a masochist.

All-in-all, if you love Super Monkey Ball, there is no reason you wouldn't love this game, it's very well worth your money and it's darn fun too.
Posted May 29, 2020. Last edited May 29, 2020.
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3 people found this review helpful
1,854.8 hrs on record (1,677.2 hrs at review time)
Regardless of the community woes and whatever else (something which I've spotted in most of the reviews), DotA2 is a really, really solid ARTS (or MOBA) game that is incredibly fun, rewarding and challenging. You will most likely spend lots of hours trying to master all the heroes, knowing what items to buy, knowing how to behave and act, and so on, and it's free! Why not give it a go and see if it's for you?
Posted November 27, 2016.
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2 people found this review helpful
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8.1 hrs on record
The Wolf Among Us is basically a point-and-click adventure game, where you play as Bigby, the sheriff, trying to figure out a murder case in a world of fairy tales taken in a modern world.

Doesn't seem so bad at first when I tell you a little on how this game goes, but this game is probably one of the most mediocre ones I've ever played. I really can't believe how this game has "overwhelmingly positive" reviews and it costs 23 dollars, when the story is so boring and predictable, when the animations doesn't work properly between speech options or changes between cameras, when the sounds or speech don't reproduce, when the choices don't load, and when the characters are boring (but this last one is subjective.) Even though this game is "tailored by how you play", 90% of the choices you do in this game are pure illusion of choice, i.e. it doesn't matter what you do in the game, because the ending will be the same, no matter what.

Alright, I will tell you how this game goes now. It's a point-and-click adventure game, and you basically move around, grab stuff (which most of the time do nothing), get some clues, and talk to some people to get more clues to move on to the next place. Unlike any other point-and-clicks, there's no puzzles or anything similar, so you never resolve anything logically. You eventually fight some hostile people and the fights happen in a quick-time event fashion where you use your cursor, click the left button, and maybe press the directional buttons or a button a couple of times, and it's incredibly boring since there's no skill to it and you have a lot of time to react. You just press buttons and that's it.

The game being "tailored by how you play" is false advertisement. Like I said before, 90% of the choices you do in this game do nothing when it comes to an actual outcome, and the ending doesn't change no matter what. Why do I care that this guy will remember this thing when it only appears in two scenes of the entire game? Why should I care about killing this guy or doing this thing when it has no actual impact on the ending or how even some characters react to me?

I can expect some bugs from big-budget games, but this one has a ridiculous amount of graphical and gameplay-related bugs which are still not fixed. The game is supposed to be "dark" and "serious", but I can't take it serious when I have to restart the game because of speech options not loading properly, when the animations are not working properly between camera changes and speech options, or when the animations don't load in time and it shows a T-pose for a second. Some people might consider it nitpicky, but it's crucial when trying to tell a story to the player, and it affects the overall tone and environment of the game.

If you want to know about the story, read it somewhere else. There's not really a lot to tell about it. In my opinion it was boring and predictable, but if you found the story of this game that good, maybe you're very easily impressed.

The only good thing I can say about the game is that it kept steady 60 FPS. No, that should not be a selling point.

But yeah, don't even get this in a sale, don't even buy this game as a joke for your friends. With those 23 dollars you can seriously get incredibly better games than this one. Do yourself a favor and ignore this game.
Posted July 4, 2015.
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12 people found this review helpful
15.5 hrs on record
Okay, before you start reading this review, I want to get you with the mindset that this game isn't a "masterpiece," a "10/10" or anything like that, but it is still a really good game, nevertheless.

Dust: An Elysian Tail is a good game, really: it has beautiful landscapes, the combat feels good, the characters are very good in terms of voice acting and writing and the story is good.

However: The game is easy even in higher difficulties (except maybe the final 4-stage boss and when you get stun-locked with environmental hazards) because you can just put your levels in damage and one-shot everything, the cinematic scenes are also kind-of low quality even though the rest of the game looks beautiful, the game lacks combos, and the game also somewhat deceives you with your progress (I apparently finished the game with 53% done, but you'd expect the secondary stuff is less important.)

Even though the game explains you (Dust) who are you and about this world, it really felt like it needed more explanation story-wise - like, really; Gaius didn't seem to be so much of a bad guy, and the game doesn't tell you why he wanted the Moonbloods dead (or maybe it was a very simple and silly thing and I missed it.)

Bad things aside now, overall, the story is this game is about Dust, a boy who missed his identity all of the sudden and now carries the Sword of Ahrah who guides him, and also Fidget, who also defends the Sword of Ahrah itself. Dust, Ahrah and Fidget are the main protagonists of the game, Dust being the player.

Fidget acts as an assistant, and also a comic relief character, sometimes breaking the fourth wall (I hate fourth wall breaking, please don't do it, developers), and during combat she can use magic which synergizes with Duststorm, Dust's signature move (I think?)

Since telling you the entire story would just spoil it, I will just tell you it has a good story, although rather short if you rush it.

I do recommend you buying this game, but maybe in a sale for half its price, or at least for 7-9 euro. That's how much I would give it, in my opinion.
Posted April 3, 2015. Last edited April 3, 2015.
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114 people found this review helpful
3 people found this review funny
10.7 hrs on record
Gods Will Be Watching is a weird beast. It manages to capture great pixel graphics, great sound effects and great music. Now, this game has major, considerable flaws:

  • The choices in the game don't matter. If you kill a friendly character, he/she comes back alive in the next chapter because else you wouldn't progress in the game (even though they're "dead.")
  • The tasks ordered to do are very tedious, and sometimes boring. Most chapters are basically management of other characters and if you fail, you restart all over again.
  • This game is pure PRD (Pseudo-Random Distribution.) You can fail genuinely because of percentages. If you're a gambler Original mode is for you, but not even Puzzle mode saves you sometimes from the PRD it has, so... Good luck!
  • "Puzzles" are not hard (and hence, the game is not long.) They're just insanely difficult (and relies in luck to do so,) and made up so you need to restart and pray to the gods the PRD is merciful the next time you repeat. The worst offender is Chapter 5.

I'm aware this game was supposed to be very hard from start to finish, and I did enjoy the challenge, it was just tedious to do it over and over again. The chapters are really not worth retrying for the extra stuff and you lose your emotional link with the characters very quick after doing it again and again (and after figuring out they "revive" in the next chapters), and even though this game is reviewed and seen by some other people that it's a "adventure" game, it is not. It is a point-and-click management resource game at its best.

However, there's also a good share of what I liked about the game, and some of them were said earlier.
  • It has a very good atmosphere with great music and backgrounds along with neat sound effects.
  • The pixel graphics are done here splendidly and I genuinely enjoyed the cutscenes.
  • Chapters like the 2nd, the 6th and the 7th were really good. I will let you figure out why (or not.)
  • The story, even though short, it's pretty neat.
  • The gore is also really good here for a pixel game.
  • It has a lot of difficulty settings suited for your liking. Don't want to play the game? Play Narrative mode. Do you find the challenge hard? Play Original Light. However, Puzzle Mode doesn't remove all the PRD...

Even though there's a lot of good things about the game, the bad things overwhelm the good ones, and it's not a game I would recommend. However, if you like unfair and difficult challenges, maybe this game is for you.
Posted March 15, 2015. Last edited August 14, 2015.
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