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27.7 hrs on record (15.9 hrs at review time)
Naughty words are said during cutscenes.

I estimate I'm about 2/3rd of the way through the game. The artwork and voice acting are good, there are a large number of missions and the difficulty is hard enough to make you think without being too brutal.

When playing most games in this style, I often start by asking myself "knowing the rules of the game, how do I achieve my objective?" After a few hours, the difficulty of most games inevitably spikes. In order to proceed, the main question on my mind changes to "what stupid thing can I do to break the AI in order to advance?". Although I've had to restart a few missions, I'm pleasantly surprised to find that I'm still asking myself the first question when I play this game.
Posted November 23, 2022.
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102.2 hrs on record (81.7 hrs at review time)
Its a monster catching game where each creature feels different. I got over 80 hours of gameplay out of it. Most of my time was spent with the option to randomise where each monster appears and limit what you can catch. This forces you to try out new party compositions, making each playthrough unique and cuts down on analysis paralysis.
Posted November 7, 2022. Last edited November 22, 2023.
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0.4 hrs on record
A simple, fun free game.
Posted November 29, 2021.
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93.9 hrs on record (6.0 hrs at review time)
Although I haven't played much so far, I did not enjoy the base game.
I gave this a positive review because of the large amount of high quality content available in the steam workshop.
Posted November 26, 2020. Last edited August 17, 2022.
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2.8 hrs on record (0.3 hrs at review time)
Strong first impression. Wouldn't be surprised if it wins the "Best game you suck at" award.
Posted November 26, 2019. Last edited November 29, 2021.
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1.9 hrs on record
Nice game with some trippy background transitions, the soundtrack alone is worth the price of admission.

Edit:Soundtrack is on bandcamp, but the game is still well worth playing. Heres a link https://jesseabishop.bandcamp.com/album/aeternum-ost-2
Posted June 28, 2019. Last edited June 29, 2019.
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13.0 hrs on record (10.8 hrs at review time)
This is a weird game. It's a 2D action rogue-light in the style of Binding of Isaac, only it's a sidescroller and feels more depressing than darkly comedic. You are best off going in as blind, so I'm going to go into as little detail as possible regarding the actual gameplay.

This game makes an extremely poor first impression. It leaves players to discover most of its core mechanics on their own, many of which are highly counter intuitive and left deliberately vague. For example, the options menu consists entirely of pictographs. It may take you a few moments to figure out how to simply quit the game without resorting to Alt+F4, assuming you do not delete your save data first.

You will be greatly confused throughout your first few hours with this game due to all the deliberate obfuscation. Many situations will initially seem unreasonably difficult, grindy or outright broken, but after deciphering the games mechanics you will realise that the game is much more forgiving than it may initially seem. Despite having some mechanics also found in idle games, it's not an idle game, nor one that wastes your time. However, it does not hold your hand, as you will need to rely on patience and careful observation to progress at a reasonable pace.

If you do become completely stuck, the major game mechanics are described in steam guides, but I recommend you avoid reading them for as long as your patience lasts. Like a good riddle, much of the fun is in the process of solving it.

I initially found myself taking each level slowly, inching along each level in an effort to avoid damage, but once I knew more of how the games works, I found myself running and gunning quickly through the stages in a way that puts the trailer to shame. The more I play the game, the more I enjoy it. If you have the patience to read through this wall of text, you might enjoy it as well.
Posted September 3, 2017. Last edited November 29, 2021.
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24 people found this review helpful
0.5 hrs on record
This game is a very simple twin stick style shooter played with a transparent background. Despite the description saying you can "Interact with your Desktop while playing", there is no interaction with the desktop apart from the transparent background. This is disappointing as there are plenty of games which interact in more unique ways with your desktop.

This game is not worth your time, mainly because of poor enemy spawning behaviour - enemies spawn at set times on set locations, both on screen and offscreen. If you clear a wave too quickly, you will be left waiting for the next wave to spawn as enemy spawns are timed. There is no indication of where an enemy will spawn next, leading to them occasionally spawn on top of your character, causing collision damage. Sometimes you can get stuck inside spawned enemies.

Another annoying mechanic is how enemies that collide with each other are pushed away from each other. I understand that you dont want them to overlap, however this mechanic often leads to large numbers of fast moving, small enemies, that are normally easily dodged or destroyed, ramming into a larger enemy (which usually spawns from out of nowhere), causing it to be pushed towards your character at high speeds.
Posted May 11, 2017.
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6.3 hrs on record
Rush bros is a speedrunning focused platformer. It plays like a budget super meat boy but with environmental hazards that move in time to your music. There is a lot to not like about this game, but I'd recommend it if heavily discounted despite the many flaws.

The bad
-Inbuilt music is very limited and what is there is just boring, bring your own.
-If you use very fast paced custom music, environmental hazards can move too quickly, making certain levels almost impossible to beat. Environmental hazards can also be difficult to predict
-Playable characters differ only in appearance
-Extremely barebone aesthetics
-Controls take a moment to get used to, but are otherwise decent.
-Not a lot of content compared to other games in the genre

The good
-Environmental hazards generally respond to the pace of your music as advertised
-Good variety in the somewhat limited number of levels (eg mostly straight track vs key/switch based puzzles)
-No bugs encountered after 6 hours of gameplay
-Large selection of online levels
-Levels load quickly and checkpoints within levels are frequent

Overall, I greatly enjoyed the title and would recommend if you are into speed running platformers and you see it on sale for a heavy discount. Don't be too concerned about the ocean of negative reviews that is probably surrounding this one. This product has been given away for free a few times, resulting in many reviews which appear to be from people who do like speedrunning in general, have not taken enough time to get used to how the characters move, or were expecting nothing less than the level of quality you see in games like super meat boy.
Posted March 8, 2017. Last edited March 8, 2017.
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1.4 hrs on record (0.1 hrs at review time)
I feel like I paid way too much for this.
Posted February 8, 2017.
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