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3 people found this review helpful
0.8 hrs on record (0.7 hrs at review time)
This is the best pinball series ever. I played it on 4 platforms and can never get enough of it. They always make quality tables with characters from games and movies that bring in a lot of fun. I need a sale on this so I can pick up what tables I am missing.
Posted June 17, 2014.
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4 people found this review helpful
2.6 hrs on record
Great software and easy to use. I had no experience recording games and I was able to figure out how to use this very quickly and had little trouble running it.
Posted June 17, 2014.
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14 people found this review helpful
1.5 hrs on record
The cards for this game make it look like Divekick...and not the kick in the nuts that it is. I would not want this unless it was free. I just hope I can sell the cards for it. Remember folks. You can vote no in Steam Greenlight.
Posted June 12, 2014.
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28 people found this review helpful
0.4 hrs on record
Make no mistake. This is a hidden picture game. If those are your cup of tea and you love Castle, then this game is for you. Great work on getting my interest in a genre that normally does not have it. Thanks a lot.

For those who are not familiar with the show, it features a novelist who teams up with the cops to solve murders as an inspiration for his novels. It is hard to resist his charm as Nathan Fillian oozes with it, even in his video game likeness, which the developers managed to capture quite well.
Posted June 11, 2014.
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41 people found this review helpful
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1.2 hrs on record (1.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Survival games have become the hottest genre as of late. It does not matter if you are trying to survive alone against the wilderness, zombies, or other players. Survival will often make you do things you might not. This game is no exception.

You are sitting next to a window on an airplane with a little boy holding your arm. You are given little clue as to who you are or who he is before the front of the airplane is ripped off and you are falling fast to the Earth below. Upon landing, you see a native (given the number of body parts on the island, I would say cannibal) take the little boy and leave. As you get up, you have little time to gather what you can scavenge around you before others are sure to come. And come they will.

Starting off with only rocks and sticks, I grab a huge rock and began to bust open luggage, managing to find some rations and supplies. As I wandered, I could find other make shift camps but no one around, at least no one I wanted to bother with...yet. After starting a fire to cook a rabbit (seagulls, turtles, and other animals can be killed), nightfall began to set in. I had began to make a shelter but lacked logs to complete it. Then came flashlights waving around in the dark.

I was not ready for a confrontation yet so I ran and began to explore. The island I landed on had caves to explore, water all around, another another island nearby with snowcapped mountains. Upon realizing I lacked any means to get logs for my shelter, I doubled back to where the flashlights had been to find my hunters were still near by. Armed with a makeshift spear, I began to attack them, killing two before the lights out.

I awoke to a macabre horror. I was trapped in a dark cave, half filled with water, with bodies hanging from the ceiling all around me. With a lighter that constantly had to get lit (water will do that to it), I found a lot more supplies along with an axe, and a few other weapons. I found this helped my struggle quite a bit as I was able to escape underground after awhile, surfacing at last the claustrophobic tunnels.

Fresh air and daylight, my new day began with heading back towards my shelter I was trying to build. I had started it on top of a cliff with a giant tree nearby, making it easy for me to find when needed. I learned my new found weapon doubled as a means to chop down trees to help me finish my shelter. Before I could finish, another group of cannibals found me. This time, I did not wake up in a cave. This time, it was the end.

With this being an alpha build, it is easy to pass off graphical glitches (water in the game often looks off and broken when in it). I once had a turtle I could not smash with my rock and when viewing my inventory, the turtles image never left my screen, covering up what it was I was trying to see. The game sounded authentic once on the ground but I had hoped for more of a build up leading to the crash (the front of the airplane disappeared without a sound and I never once heard the boy next to me utter a sound). The natives are incredibly quiet and I had expected to be able to hear them once they got close, but this was not the case. Not even when I was attacking them did I hear them utter a grunt. I had one guy I beat on repeatedly and he eventually ran away despite the number of times I impaled him with my spear but the next guy went down with just a few thrusts.

The game is very intuitive in that it was easy to learn how to use what was around me very quickly. On screen prompts when seeing berries to eat, supplies to scavenge, or and how to duck were very helpful. Despite not being very good at survival games, I found what I discovered in this game to very enjoyable, even at this early of release. I definitely look forward to seeing what the developers have in store and the game has a handy count down on the main menu to let you know when to expect the next update. And expect I shall. I look forward to my next trip to The Forest as I learn from my mistakes and work on my survival skills(Tip: don't build your shelter too far away from logs you will need to cut down, if you can find an axe that is).
Posted June 4, 2014.
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21 people found this review helpful
1.6 hrs on record
Owning an arcade sounds like the perfect match for a simulator but even this can become tedious, like the real thing. Ranging from games getting released on consoles to angry gamers taking it out on your machines, there are a number of factors that make this game hard but fun. One aspect I am sure is designed to keep you occupied while time passes is the collecting of quarters from your machines. I wish there was a way to automate that a bit as I feel like I spend most of my time shaking down my machines of their money and less time worrying about game placement, getting new games, or changing decorations around.

Time passes by slowly enough to give you a chance to keep moving your games around and taking care of unruly gamers but I feel like I never have enough money to keep fresh games in stock. While older games can inherit a "classic" status that boosts popularity of your arcade, it does not feel like its enough. Little events that occur seem to happen randomly but not random enough to break the monotony of collecting quarters. Some of these events can vary from power failures (pick up every machine and set them back down) to a stuck coin slot (repeatedly pick and set down a game to eventually free the coin slot). Occasionally a hardcore gamer will come in and try for a record high score which boost a game's popularity but the catch is the game is tied for a long time while the gamer tries for their high score.

I wish games you unlocked stayed unlocked through multiple playthroughs because seeing the same set of three games every time you restart your arcade gets tiresome. Restarting your game is expected as the tutorial does not explain everything and you are likely to overspend your money and find yourself hurting to get by every month. In the end, the game is fun but I am just not sure how long the fun will last. I feel as if more novelty is needed to really hook me. Also, I wish I could rotate my view of the arcade because certain games are hard to see when placed behind other games or pillars and it can be hard to target them for collecting money or fixing.

The game does a good job at keeping you informed at the little details of a game like graphics style, if it has become profitable, changing the games difficulty and cost. I think more positive events in the game and making money a bit easier to do would improve the game to more fun event and less like a chore to play. It definitely does a good job at capturing the feel of owning an arcade but includes the dangers of owning one all too well. After playing this, one could easily become disillusioned with owning their arcade.
Posted May 27, 2014. Last edited May 27, 2014.
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24 people found this review helpful
18.1 hrs on record
Rarely does a game catch me off guard but in a positive way such as this one did. Stepping in to the shoes of a mercenary has not been this fun since Bulletstorm (it was a blast to play I thought). Instead of stringing combos together with a gun, you have swords, axes, daggers, spells, and traps at your disposal. Not every fight has the same answers but you are more welcome to explore the complex combat system which is easy to quickly get a handle on.This was using a keyboard and mouse. The game boasts full controller support but I little luck really getting my PS3 controller working well or my Steam Controller. Given that the game also has a console experience possible, seeing updates to improve controller support outside of a Xbox 360 would be handy as the game has released on Sony platforms so it would not be a stretch.

With three skills at your disposal, the warrior and ranger tend to offer players two alternate ways to play the game with fire mage complimenting them both equally. There are times when something just needs to burn and that is handy to not have to go just magic only. Bear in mind, potions to restore health and mana are sparse and should be used with care, not spammed. The crafting system offers a solution to this but letting you craft your own provided the resources are not being used elsewhere in a quest or upgrading gear or more.

The game tends to hold you by the hand in terms of story to the point the named the main character Vulcan despite given you the option to enter your name in as whatever. It makes sense if you are trying to tell a cohesive story about a single character but either don't call him by name in the voice acting or just remove player choice of name. It wont kill us if we cant name a guy for the sake of immersion. Vulcan and the rest of his fellow mercenaries to tend grate with out of place profanities combine with made up words that insinuate curses. It feels like its aiming for shock value but just because they are mercenaries does it mean they can only express themselves with colorful language. Its a stereotype that seems out of place by today's standard of good writing.

The game offers a bleak outlook against an ever growing army of undead controlled by 7 ice lords. An unfortunate accident thrusts you in to the limelight as a new tool against this overwhelming army, The cost could prove too great but the choice is out of your hands. Speaking of choices, you are only able to pick and choose one team member at a time. Given that stealth is never my forte (unless its accompanied by a Batsuit), I often choice a healer for a comrade to try to keep me up while I am hacking away at things in between fireballs. Outside of dialogue options and possible romance, there is little choices involved. They appear to always be your level and require no gear at all. You can change their stance to offensive or defensive. I think a dialogue wheel with more options would improve this. Give them a chance to attack their own target or always assist me would be good. A way to control at what percent of their life they run away would also be handy. Many times I tried to fall back to regroup but my caster is still just standing there acting like a tank and not a good one at that.

What you do get with this game is an enjoying romp akin to Dragon Age and Kingdoms of Amalur but not quite as indepth. It just might scratch your itch until Inquistion. The game certainly has a lot to offer and is worth giving a shot. This game was played on a Steam Machine and ran beautifully is worth mentioning. The color pallette of the game gets quite diverse from area to area and having to re-tred your own footsteps because of quests and side quests will often leaving stopping to admire a new detail you might not have noticed before. Music is one of the game's strongest points which often erases the screeching left behind by some of the voice actors. Scotland does not exist in this worth as far as we know. The accent stands out a bit much in certain characters. If different characters should sound different, make their appearances reflect this. I am not expecting every one of them to be Troy Baker but him in at least one role would be a game changer.

I give this game praise up and suggest you give it a shot of you like your action steeped in talent trees, crafting, and other rpg elements. A good time is certainly waiting to be bad. I hope to see more entries is this new world to explore.
Posted May 20, 2014. Last edited May 20, 2014.
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9 people found this review helpful
20.0 hrs on record (11.0 hrs at review time)
From the developers of Castle Crashers comes yet another warp and twisted adventure involving prisoners, blocks, and nefarious cat overlords. You will be enslaved by the game's charm and demand all of your friends start playing this game right meow. Each prisoner you meet is saved in your inventory so you can swap with your friends or sell them on the marketplace. Weapons too. The goal is often simple. Collect gems to open the exit and make it there. Getting there is often plagued by water, cats, and even more hazardous traps. Play alone or online or with your friend sitting next to you, in any form, the game is extremely fun and never stops leaving a grin on my face. It only took like two years for this to come from Xbox 360 to Steam but it seems much longer. The wait was worth it and I am happy to finally play it.
Posted May 16, 2014.
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38 people found this review helpful
15.5 hrs on record (13.9 hrs at review time)
The look of the game reminds me of MC Escher meets Super Hexagon as you fall through words that tell a story. The question remains. Just how far does this rabbit fall go. I chosae the red pill and I found the game very challenging. It requires reflex memory and acute memorization. Part of the catch is trying to spell out phrases like Rabbit Hole as you sail through letters. How ever, it is very punishing when it comes to colliding with a letter. It is not always easy to quickly choose a path. Even then, you must decide to aim for the needed letters or take the safe way to the next set of words.

This game is simple but fun and addicting. For the price, you can get more than your money's worth. Playfire folks can earn even more money back playing this until next Monday. If you love Super Hexagon, buy this now!
Posted April 29, 2014. Last edited April 29, 2014.
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16 people found this review helpful
45.8 hrs on record (31.6 hrs at review time)
This is one of those games I felt lived up to my expectations and surpassed them. It is definately a great value for the price as I have had a blast playing this game with my four year old who finds the game as hilarious and silly as I do. He quickly learned how to play the game and has been enjoying the open world aspect of it (his favorite type of games). With Steam Workshop already in place and free content already annoumced, I look forward to see what is in store for this game with great delight.

When I attempted to set up the controls for this game on a Steam Controller, I did not have much success. I hope to see that changed as I know it would increase how much fun I am having with the game. Better improvement for mods would be nice as it seems a number of them on Steam Workshop require a seperate installation of the game in 64bit. Thankfully the game does have a respawn function when game breaking glitches happen and you are left stranded in objects, in the ground, or in the air. With a game this zany, I would never expect realistic but a little bit better handling on the jumping in the game would be nice.

Over all, this game is definately one of the best entertainment values I have stumbled upon in recent history. Sale or no sale, this game is worth every penny.
Posted April 8, 2014.
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