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投稿日: 2016年5月27日 8時59分
更新日: 2017年7月5日 11時39分

i've never written a review before, but i feel compelled to write that the developers just do their own thing. they do not listen to their player base, and continually introduce gimmicks that cripple or destroy game-play, while ignoring issues that need attention.

this new update means, essentially, that you can not play alone. you have to play on a team. you can not choose your battle. you can not change your class. they've added deeper shadows so that you can not see. they've introduced ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ bugles to the game.

you can not even choose which line you fight on, unless your squad leader sets it. and the squad leaders - you're rank 15? no prob. your leader might be level 6.

the matchmaker drops you into any battle, but most seem to be one-quarter to half full, and are usually already in progress, if not almost finished. 18 vs. 18 is a full battle, but many are running 4 to 6 players per side. you can't play a map properly with so few people.

this is an update?????? they need to fix the existing issues before adding more, ffs.

if something better comes along, i think the majority of us would eagerly jump ship - so here's hoping!

2017 update: have pretty much completely given up on this. they don't listen to their player base - just fly off on their own, and then wonder why people are not happy. rather than fixing the existing problems, they choose to add all kinds of bells and whistles that break the game, then have to backtrack on them.
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