Tommy   Hessen, Germany
Another day in my silly little life. Pushing the silly little buttons.

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Some things about me
Henlo, I am Tommi ( / Tommy, it doesn't really matter tbh), people also often just call me by my username Schmommy, friends from middle/high school call me by my real name Thomas and just a handful of people call me Tom. Feel free to call me by any of those. I come from Germany and currently go to university, studying civil engineering.

I play loads of video games, genre doesn't really matter, but the genres im best at are MOBAs and Shooters... Well, recently i've found my love for FFXIV so that's what i am currently playing the most. Other than that i love doing sports - going out with friends for climbing or hiking is pretty cool but rarely happens, Badminton and sometimes cycling

As you can see I'm a pretty big nerd and I appreciate anyone who's spending time with me! So if you want to hang out with me don't be shy! I dont bite lol (unless you want me to...).

Please don't be mad at me if I don't have always time though, I'm trying my best! You're great and I will always try to care for you!

Sometimes i can be a little bit sassy, it happens when I'm in a super bad mood and nothing seems to work out at all. So if I happen to not be nice to you then I'm really sorry for that. I'll probably apologise later.

Other than that I'm always trying to be kind and loving to everyone.

People are not always perfect and therefore most unhappy reactions are because they are having a rough day. From that point of view I try to have a forgiving and constructive attitude towards anyone who who isn't at their best right now.
...Because let's face it, none of us can.
I always say that being humble is one of the best traits someone can have!

I do try to always have an open ear for you, especially if you dont feel really good. So if you need someone to talk to, feel free to let me know. In the end I do love you all.

I love (medieval) fantasy! It's my jam! Dreaming of a big world full of epic creatures, dragons, monsters, different nations and cultures, mysterys... Very nerdy I know, but it just how it be.

I also love dogs. They're the best pets one can have - can't change my mind. Booping their snoot is the funniest thing. But I love all animals in general except insects and spiders - ♥♥♥♥ spiders, seriously.

My favourite games are probably League of Legends and Counter Strike since these are the games I've spent most of my time on. I love other games too though, like some ARPG's / Hack and Slays (like Grim Dawn, Dark Souls 1-3 <3),MMO's (WoW, FFXIV), RTS-Games (like AOE, Supreme Commander), Strategy Games (like any Total War), a few survival / adventure and indi games (like Terraria) and of course FPS (like Battlefield, CS, R6s, Overwatch). As you may have noticed I kind of play everything but while I suck at RTS-Games I'm pretty decent at any shooter. Some of my milestones are Global Elite in CS and Masters in League

Last but not least, I want to thank and appreciate my friends. You can click the emoticons which will guide you to each one of my friends which are either really close to me or they've done something special that I really appreciate. Maybe you'll see yourself here at some point :)

:llama: :celeste_bird: :CatOnaDiet: :serpent: :woodle: :ape: :EvilGreenDragon: :2017stickycrab: :HuntressMoon: :WWWOLF: :cuterabbit: :squarebunny: :EmperorPenguin: :praisesun: :exalted: :cuphead: :bbtcat: :nzpbattery: :CatHapi:
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1,728 hrs on record
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last played on May 24
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last played on May 23
Laikadaisical Jun 3, 2020 @ 12:38pm 
trouble with the trolley, eh? 🤔
/DIVE 2GETHER/ Mar 24, 2020 @ 9:28am 
JaBy Dec 25, 2019 @ 4:22am 
( `´︶´¯`︶´`´︶︶´*★  ^v^  ┊❅  °☆ .   ☆ :. ☆   
  ) )  ⦅‖ ͇͇ ͇͇▃▇͇͇͌̿̿⌂͇͇▌..* ★  ☆ .   ★ ^v^  ° ❅  ☆ .   ★ ^v^  ° 
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╱◥◣ ◥████◣▓∩▓∩║   MERRY CHRISTMAS & │∩ │◥███◣ ╱◥███◣
│╱◥█◣║∩∩∩ ║╲◥███╲   HAPPY NEW YEAR ╱◥◣ ◥████◣▓∩▓│∩
││∩│ ▓ ║∏ 田║▓ 田田 ▓ ∩║ ii--ii-- 2020 ii--ii--ii--ii │╱◥█◣║∩∩∩ ║◥█▓ ▓█
only positive vibes?… Nov 7, 2019 @ 7:06am 
difa Mar 27, 2019 @ 2:29pm 
nono Dec 15, 2018 @ 5:31am 
meow meow