Ten trends and absurdities that nobody calls out:

(1). As per the Broken Telephone Effect, information entropy, the way memory works, figures-of-speech, and other some such, we will exaggerate the pieces of a concept over the decades and remake those bits into another whole. This happens with words, too.

(2). It is absurd to decry other people's customized player-characters for cross-dressing, in game genres that portray 14-year-old NPCs with sexual innuendo or cater to fans of those NPC tropes... And sometimes these "cross-dressing" and vulnerable sexualized character archetypes are in the same game, probably.

(3). People were not trying to replace, censor or shame you - just fairly distribute agency or enable self-determination over the portrayals of their demographics (e.g., let a woman have more say about what they find sexy about their own sex). Since you clapped back, THEY clapped back again about the clap-back. Meta-clap-back.

(4). Stop the partial pretense: most people are not able to properly assess another person's strength-of-character with limited exposure, so don't act like we can and use those acts to justify ourselves -- especially if a neutral observer could qualify our own actions as being mired in delusions.

(5). Delusion and hypocrisy: people cannot be completely unbiased all of the time (if ever), and it is both irresponsible and a fool's errand to think that bias should always be dismissed. It needs to be accounted for, not dismissed summarily (without consequence or due process). A good working example: "Propagation of Error" in the lab reports of scientific projects.

(6). The Internet is a mass of networked wires and devices; it is NOT a group of people.

(7). Please STOP misusing or overusing "content." Content, in its pure form to be conveyed by a medium, is just information. That's it. It is not something tangible and not a whole production unit passed from source to sink.

(8). If you're a "content creator" and don't know certain things, not the least of which is the diff b/n right vs. correct vs. truth, then leave the limelight. Your grasp of language and concepts is only making things worse for the people.

(9). Poor behaviour and self-delusions can ultimately result in mass retaliation; other people will get caught in the wake of one's nonsense. It is within my rights and responsibilities, as it is yours, to intervene in the wake.

(10). Cynicism and derision are useless.

If you read this list and none of this basic stuff even occurred to you in different ways, you are NOT ready to be in the public eye: you MUST NOT lead people. Unfortunately, the only way for you to learn these things is to get your hands dirty and see other people. So get to it. I'd rather you just stay in your "box," like I do, however.
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Meyzmo Aug 23, 2021 @ 5:27am 

Start your lovely week with a cup of :2018bestcoffee: I wish you the best of the best :magicorb: Stay safe and enjoy your time, my dear friend :r_heart:
††† SAWYER . Jun 23, 2021 @ 8:27pm 
+rep didn't give up on me even though i got ran over by a train twice in RE6 LMAO
Julaybib جليبيب Jan 23, 2019 @ 9:18am 
beautifull thinking
zed7en #NO-tds Dec 26, 2017 @ 10:01pm 
+rep nice dude
HooksGURU Feb 26, 2017 @ 11:37am 
I extended you an invite, I respect your maturity and views.
TeriLK Jul 16, 2013 @ 10:10pm 
dood, you're not allowed to play zombie games without me so i can at least say i watched you play it. kthnxbai.