[BGK] Antideam
New York, New York, United States
Nie podano informacji.
Ulubiona gra
Ostatnia aktywność
6,7 godz. łącznie
Ostatnia gra: 25 maja
0,4 godz. łącznie
Ostatnia gra: 24 maja
8,3 godz. łącznie
Ostatnia gra: 5 maja
patchie 24 marca o 3:05 
cocken ballen
-⁧⁧ Xhale 27 sierpnia 2022 o 21:57 
+rep good teamate
Gaviri 25 maja 2021 o 6:35 
hi mate, can you add me? just for a quick chat
byteframe's cat 2 stycznia 2019 o 4:08 
🎫 🐛 👑 🌏 🏀 🌋 🐳 ⚡ 🚙 💎
🔋 [] 💄
🚕 🥞 💃 🥒 👔 👑 🐟 🥗 🎈 🌽
Hobbes : Well, you still have afternoons and weekends
Calvin : That's when I watch TV.

"My ethicator machine must've had a built-in moral compromise
spectral release phantasmatron! I'm a genius!" --- Calvin

Thank you. before I begin, I'd like everyone to notice that my report is in
a professional, clear plastic binder...When a report looks this good, you know
it'll get an A. That's a tip kids. Write it down. -- Calvin
🎍 📘 📕 ⚡ 🌸 🎫 ⛳ 👾 🍖 📒
Excuse me, but I request your help in my quest to speak with the first man I have ever reported in CS:GO, and who subsequently received a VAC ban, please add me back and message me when you can
[BGK] Patrick Bateman 14 maja 2017 o 10:09 
your sexy