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Senaste recensioner av Frenzy

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504 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
43 personer tyckte att denna recension var rolig
459.7 timmar totalt (192.1 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Sure it crashes.

Sure it's buggy.

Sure the end game is rushed.

But by god, everytime I want to experience a real RPG game and get myself really immersed in something I will always come back to this. Even with its petty 18 months dev time with an outdated engine it is still a better game than Fallout 4, I cannot recommend this enough!

Upplagd 12 december 2017.
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0.1 timmar totalt
I'm certain if you are a Doom or Quake fan you will enjoy this, after all it is a quake mod. I'm not to familiar with 1990's shooters so I can't say I enjoyed it much. Back in those days I didn't even have a computer, but alas it costs less money than a bottle of coke so go ahead and buy it if you really want to spend money and are already drunk.

Also, no. Theres no hats.
Upplagd 24 december 2012.
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