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45.1 hrs on record (44.8 hrs at review time)
Hitman 2 is a pleasant surprise. I didn't expect to like it as much as I did, and I go back to it to play through some of the custom contracts and get more unlocks.

It's a freeform stealth puzzle game, where you are dropped into a level and need to find out a way to find your targets, kill them, and get out alive. How you do this is totally up to you- You could use a disguise to fool guards and catch your target alone, you could find a high vantage point and go to town with a sniper rifle, or you could run around knocking out guards with a fish in broad daylight. Sky's the limit here.

Some levels are much better than others and aside from the main sandbox missions, there aren't too many 'bonus' game modes, but if you enjoy stealth games or just wreaking funny havoc, I think this is a good choice for you.
Posted December 29, 2019.
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11 people found this review helpful
112.5 hrs on record (88.0 hrs at review time)
10 / 10 game. Fantastic addition to the Roguelike genre as well as a great mix between the gameplay of Nuclear Throne and the synergy, item-based mechanics of Binding of Isaac. Unlike Isaac however, your success is mainly dependant on your mechanical skill and you likely won't get carried by items / syngergies like you would in Isaac (Like with Proptosis, Ipecac, etc.)

Controls are very simple and tight, the addition of the dodge roll is fantastic as are the ability of Blanks (which are a consumable that deal slight damage and get rid of all bullets on screen for a couple of seconds). Controller support is great, and there is also an option to turn off the auto-aim assist that comes with it if you aren't a fan of playing with a handicap.

As for the "story", the world of Enter The Gungeon is very silly and many items allude to this. Some guns are pop culture homages or game references (Like the Proton Backpack from Ghostbusters or the Mega Blaster from Mega Man) and some guns are straight-up goofy, like a banana that shoots.... exploding bananas.

All in all, Dodge Roll games has a hit roguelike on their hands that is up there with the best of them on Steam. If you're a fan of bullet hells or roguelikes, definitely pick this one up.
Posted June 29, 2016.
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