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Polymorphic Turtle May 15 @ 12:05pm 
googoo gaagaa
Tzipy May 13 @ 9:25am 
I don' even know who you are
Polymorphic Turtle May 9 @ 5:49pm 
So toxic that even Graczent hates him, bravo lol
1Tapez Morakan Apr 22 @ 4:52am 
-rep trolling in wingman
Tzipy Mar 20 @ 6:54pm 
I mean i don't mind fighting you if you really want, but I did offer multiple 1v1s against the actual ♥♥♥♥ talker and he refused, you said nothing in chat so I had nothing against you
Graczent Mar 20 @ 6:34am 
Glad you call me stepbro, really puts to show how badly I screwed you over, besides didnt I and blue offer you to fight me yourself numerous times, each of which was avoided?