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63.1 hrs on record (54.5 hrs at review time)
One of the best Tekken Entries I've played in a while. Not only does it provide the tools needed for new and rusty players alike the chance to relearn the game much easier, the skill ceiling is still as high as it's ever been. With the introduction of the Heat system allowing you to enhance your combos as well as provide very much needed chip damage onto blocking opponents the game provides much needed aggression in a game where previously, besides on-block frame traps, there was no punishment.

There is one thing that is plaguing my experience with this game (and if anyone has any fixes for this please let me know) is that out of nowhere Unreal will just crash with no prior indication as to what could be causing it, and considering the research I have done online, I am not the only one affected by this problem. I do not think it is a graphics related issue as I have toned down the graphics to the lowest possible and have still been affected by this problem.

With new fighters and returning fighters (and plausible guest characters) don't let this ultimately small hiccup dissuade you from experiencing one of, in my opinion, the best Tekken entries possibly in the entire series.

TLDR; The game is very beginner friendly with a high skill ceiling but does have an issue with random crashes.
Posted March 6.
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21.1 hrs on record (7.1 hrs at review time)
Pros: The immersion is pretty great, you feel like you're actually in a world similar to your own. The progression system is pretty fun too. Dealing with peoples problems by providing resources or just outright killing them is satisfying too. I never thought that in any game that looting would be fun, but in most scenarios being able to have things just zoom to your hand is nice, it does create some problems but that's in the cons. Combat is nice most of the time. Melee combat feels satisfying each time you brain a walker, and the bow and arrow while it's tricky to maneuver at first proves to be pretty effective at taking down your enemies. Sometimes being able to sneak away from a situation is pretty nice too.

Cons: While they did try to make the game immersive, immersion does not equal fun. In an attempt to make the game realistic your character wobbles his arms around when trying to aim a gun, making you feel like a stormtrooper. The NPCs and story are about as engaging as a sack of dry potatoes. The health and stamina system, while it does make sense does tend to create some problems in enjoyment. For starters good luck finding food that won't steal your max health (that you haven't crafted). You can cure this ailment by finding medicine but it's about as rare as a needle in a hay stack. They also introduce "Diseased Walkers" which punish the use of melee combat by stealing max health from you if you get too close. That to me was a sense of artificial difficulty in an already difficult game. So therefore the most effective tactic available is the bow and arrow. The durability system needs some work, it punishes players for using ranged weapons when they are already hard to use. Meaning that after 9-10 shots the revolver or shotgun you've grown attached to will suddenly explode without warning. As for the problems with looting, sometimes small cabinet doors will automatically shut at high speeds rendering me unable to loot what's inside. (IDK if it's a vive bug but regardless I feel it should be in here.) When items zoom to your hand when you use either hybrid or hold, you can accidentally grab an item you weren't trying to grab making sudden encounters with walkers frustrating.

Problem that I personally faced: For some reason after the game auto-saved my progress was eaten. I don't know why and I don't know how but even though I invested several levels into my progression (better weapons, stamina, etc.), all of a sudden it disappeared.

Final Thoughts: While I do have a lot of problems with how this game feels at times, I can't deny the genuine fun I have when things finally do go my way. It's a step in the right direction for VR games, but that doesn't mean that it isn't flawed. By no means am I saying that in a survival game you should be Doom Guy, but you should at the very least feel more capable than the average Joe when it comes to gun play.

I'll rate this game a 7.5/10
Posted May 3, 2020.
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1,857.1 hrs on record (1,210.4 hrs at review time)
Welcome to Garry's mod! a place full of joy and wonder! There are a countless amount of things you can do in Garrys mod. Want to interact with other people and play mini-games? Gmod-Tower is the perfect place for you. want to survive the zombie apocolaypse in an epic fashion? or do you want to eat the brains of the survivors and rub it in their faces? Zombie panic is perfect for you. You can also create tons of inventions ir mess around with the ragdolls if you like. One of those smart guys that figured out how to code Source? Get this! With the right people involved you can even create your OWN gamemode! Crazy right? There's just no end to the possibilities that this gem has to offer... heck even some people make animations with the ragdolls (preferably tf2 ragdolls) and make videos. There is just no end to the possibilities, and that's what makes Garry's mod a true sandbox game.
Posted January 22, 2014.
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7,703.3 hrs on record (7,382.2 hrs at review time)
Free 2 play (But has limitations for the F2P version that aren't nearly as bad as other games, and payment for entry is literally 5 dollars)
Every Class is available and ready to learn
Weapon drops that offer alternative styles to play the classes you already enjoy
High skill ceiling
Mostly friendly community
Plenty of game modes and servers to jump into, with a brand-new community gamemode just recently added.
PVE Content (granted there is payment for entry if you want the drops that come from it)

Free 2 Plays have no access to use Voice Chat, Text Chat, or In-game voice commands. (Due to some bad apples spoiling the fun) Their inventories are also much smaller than the average Paid Player.
Game has a medium-high skill floor, while not impossible to play, you more often than not will find yourself getting stomped on the first few weeks.
Game currently has a bot problem, while not nearly as bad as it used to be it can certainly ruin the experience for first time players.
Lack-luster tutorial, (would still recommend it if you're completely new to FPS games, but would also recommend looking tutorials up online.)

While TF2 isn't exactly the most friendly to newer players, the community as well as learning the games mechanics more than make up for this initial flaw. TF2 isn't a perfect game by any stretch but there is a reason why so many people clock in a lot of hours into this game, myself included. If you're an OW2 refugee, someone who just saw a funny TF2 meme on the internet, or someone who just wanted to see what all the fuss was about, I would honestly recommend giving this game a college try. If you ultimately play as a friendly or try your heart out, I welcome you to the wonderful world of Team Fortress 2.

Personal Rating: 9.5/10
Non-Biased Rating: 8.5/10
Posted December 22, 2012. Last edited August 10, 2023.
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