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Recent reviews by Garrus

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1 person found this review helpful
70.2 hrs on record (68.7 hrs at review time)
Changed terms of service on me and everyone else. This is a community-based game where it requires significant amount of players to complete difficult tasks, so to block over 100 different countries from playing it (people who already BOUGHT AND PLAYED THE GAME for the past three months) is extremely scummy.
Posted May 5.
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0.0 hrs on record
Aside from the bugs, glitches, and weird decisions (why can't I take tribal land from nations that no longer exist?). This DLC expands upon the favors system, but if you do not own any DLC prior to this one then there are some important features missing from the favor system. Yes, they quite literally piece mealed the favor system to where you need more than one DLC for it to function correctly...
Posted May 9, 2021.
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3 people found this review helpful
4.3 hrs on record
I honestly don't know how this is so highly rated:
AI is bad/inconsistent- Guards would run into walls, fail to chase me, or detect me from across the map when I throw a rock, no joke.
Gameplay is boring- It's really run from rats, run from guards, run from rats and guards, kill a few guards while being surrounded by rats, kill a guard boss before being attacked by rats. It's repetitive. I probably spent hours just wading through rats and hiding from guards with such simplistic mechanics that I was never on the edge of my seat, I was just getting tired of seeing the same thing.
Even the puzzles of the game are fairly illogical at times. I am not going to go into major spoilers, but we were given the tools to deal with situations only to have to use a different method...for some reason.
The companionship between my character and my brother feels random. My girl decides to let him run off far ahead of the group like all the time, even though he's gotten into horrible trouble doing it, only to let him do it again. At one point he's mad at me for lord knows what reason, next minute he's cool with me again.

EDITED: I forgot to mention the heavy amount of glitches in the game, like the guard detecting me from across the map, or the AI not chasing me when they were supposed to, to Hugo getting trapped behind the door he was supposed to follow me through (thus requiring me to restart the section) to guards having conversations with their fellow dead guardsmen and so on. Some were slight but others required me to restart.

This game is toted as an emotional story driven game, that's fine, but why then DOES EVERY CHARACTER DEADPAN THE ENTIRE GAME. NO MATTER THE DELIVERY. When something sad would happen, my character never displays a flicker of emotion outside of cutscenes and a FEW very rare moments of facial animation. You could hear the voice actors (excellent job all around by the way) giving a deep, emotional statement (about to cry in their voice) only to see the character deliver it with the most bland expression on their face.

This really kills the immersion for me.

TL:DR - Repetitive walking-with-a-torch simulator from bad AI guards to boring rat interactions, derpy relationships with your brother, and despite great delivery, the SERIOUS lack of facial animations to match the emotional delivery. They might as well have been T-posing while they were delivering their lines.
Posted September 13, 2020. Last edited September 13, 2020.
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5 people found this review helpful
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0.0 hrs on record
This is one of the only DLCs I bought that I pretty much have disabled at all times.
Because of how the AI is reworked in this DLC.
The favor system is mental. You generate favors by being allies and helping them in wars, and you spend these favors so that they help you in your wars. The only problem is, THEY NEVER HELP YOU IN WARS.
When AI want land, they don't help in the overall war and instead hide in their territory, only coming out to capture the land they want (that is their "strategic interest").
When I give them the land they so desperately want, they turn their back and break the alliance with me (and thus all the 100+ favor I have generated over time has gone to waste) because now they feel like they should eat up my nation. And because they declare they want my land, it jumps from a slight penalty of "oh I broke alliance" to "I WANT ALL OF YOU" (talking -50 relation before to now -200).
Or, they will never join my war! I could have max favors and offer to throw all of it at them, but no, they'll be like "but I slightly like this guy you are about to declare war on, -10000 modifier to join you in the war" it's really mental.
You can also declare which lands you want to the whole world.
But why?
It makes everyone hate you before you do anything because (like the aggressive nations that we all are) we all want that land... It just makes your neighbors hate you for no real reason.
The Steppe nomad changes are cool, but are definitely not worth the AI changes.
Posted June 8, 2020.
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2 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
Facecamping has never been better.
10/10 would facecamp again
Posted March 16, 2020.
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2 people found this review helpful
9.7 hrs on record
3D Worms is a really great concept, but it is all WASTED.
-Can't customize AI bots (and you HAVE to pick one easy, one medium, and one hard, not two of any type)
-Little customization options (same generic "army hat 1" "football helmet 2")
-Little map variety (there's like 6 total map generation types in all)
-Little map randomization changes ("Oh wow, the tower is on the left instead of the right, WHAT A DIFFERENCE!")
Like, the 'random seed generator' might as well let you place the blooming walls and towers on your own, because it's useless.

You can't even customize to a great degree how much water there is. You throw one grenade and you'll be seeing water!

I went into this thinking "oh my god, I can play a worm in 3d!" Like what I imagined, was a map just top to bottom with dirt, and everyone is tunneling around in first person, THAT WOULD BE SO COOL. But no, they never even expand on this.
If you want a meaningful worms game, get worms reloaded or armageddon, those look like they actually had thought and effort put into them.
Posted March 4, 2019.
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74 people found this review helpful
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1,384.1 hrs on record (669.2 hrs at review time)
I love this game. I really do. I have many fond memories of nations I have built and lost and the games I have had with friends, so it is a shame to see what it has devolved into.

Every DLC they release makes the game harder, but not in a fun-challenging way, but in a "pay 15$ or you won't be able to do X in your game" way.

They neuter the gameplay mechanics for EVERYONE (so now the game is worse than before), and if you want to benefit from the new mechanic changes, cough up another 15$.

Want to develop your provinces? 15$ please
Want better control over your vassals and other subjects? 15$ please
Want to benefit from estates? 15$ please
Want better religious mechanics? 15$ please
Want better combat? 15$ please

This practice of making the game worse for everyone and you can only benefit now from these FORCED changes by paying is horrendous.

EDITED: I still play the game, I am already invested and still enjoy it, but my god I have never seen features get piecemealed quite like in EU4, where I can buy one DLC that has the favors system for example, but I can't use a portion of it (strategic interests and changing attitudes) because I need ANOTHER SEPARATE DLC to access it. What an abysmal practice. I hate myself for enjoying this game.


This game isn't DLC optional. It's DLC MANDATORY.
Posted September 23, 2017. Last edited May 9, 2021.
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4 people found this review helpful
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1.7 hrs on record
Loading screen simulator.
Everything you do in this game (beyond when you are actually in the match) has a loading screen.
Put a tattoo on your wrestler, didn't like it, so you take it off? Loading Screen.
Go to options, decide not to change anything and go back to menu? Loading Screen.
I have like an hour and a half on this game, and I can assure you, 60% was on the loading screens.
Posted November 24, 2016.
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26 people found this review helpful
5 people found this review funny
5.5 hrs on record
I honestly can say I enjoyed playing this game.
Up until (every single time I might add) all my villagers die.
A creature (depending on the terrain) killed one of my villagers (with the guards refusing to come assist due to bad AI) and one at a time, my villagers come to pick up the remains of their deceased comrade.
Why is this bad?
They cross half the map to get to the remains, fight the exact same creature the previous villager did, and die.
Then another person comes to do the exact same thing.
Rinse and repeat until my whole village is now dead from trying to pick up a stupid bone pile.
This has ruined every single playthrough I have attempted in this game.
Posted September 6, 2015.
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Showing 1-9 of 9 entries