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지난 2주간 0.0시간 / 기록상 90.0시간 (평가 당시 65.4시간)
게시 일시: 2016년 9월 3일 오후 3시 38분

+ Incredible story
+ Option to make different choices throughout the story
+ Immersive environments
+ Many different planet surfaces to explore
+ Great cast of characters and companions
+ A good amount of entertaining quests
+ Amazing soundtrack and voice acting
+ Moderate character customization

- Indoor environments are stupidly repetitive (both in look and feel)
- Combat is awkward and seemingly unresponsive
- Driving the Mako (off-road vehicle) on planet surfaces makes you want to pull your hair out
- Too much meaningless and useless loot (you'll sell or scrap 99% of the items you find)
- A lot of walking at times

1. Some solid RPG elements (leveling up, skills, equipment)
2. Saved game (and decisions made in story) carry over to Mass Effect 2

Let me know if you have any questions about the game!
이 평가가 유용한가요? 아니요 재미있음 어워드
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Hrodvegerd, son of Hrodvegerd 2016년 9월 4일 오전 6시 06분 
I must play it again!