"I can’t bear the thought of playing an FPS on a console. I’ve tried it. It’s like trying to dig a trench with a spear: You can probably do it if you really want, but the whole time you’ll wish you had the right tool for the job." - Shamus Young
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And here we go...
Level 42 reached...
I kind of want to never up my Steam level... because... how could anything ever be better than being Level 42? I am now the answer to life, the universe, and everything.

Never mind.. we passed it up
ShadowKatt Dec 17, 2014 @ 9:41pm 
And who could really ask for more?
Holderist Dec 17, 2014 @ 9:12pm 
At least my beard is unscathed!
Norma ✰ Jean Jul 19, 2013 @ 10:02pm 
+rep Good trade
thelms Jul 2, 2011 @ 4:00pm 
montyford is really a dragon in human form