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Postat: 22 nov. 2016 la 15:18

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I bought the game to support the devs long ago because MoW: AS was great. Call to Arms is still in Early Access, going free-to-play with microtransactions.

This might've been acceptable if the devs were up front with the community beforehand. However, they only posted a (very condescending) "fact check" as a reaction to negative reviews, which makes them look even more like jerks. Greedy and dishonest jerks actually. I can no longer recommend that anyone buy-in to support this developer.
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5 comentarii
満貫 27 mart. 2017 la 10:55 
This review is on point and demonstrates exactly what happened:

a) new game was falsely advertised as being next step forward from AS2
b) AS2 community ponied up the dough in hopes of getting a better game
c) devs took the money, ignored all input from backers, changed core mechanics that got them the money in the first place
d) game went f2p in order to lure in more unsuspecting consumers in hopes of getting dem impulse buys
e) EA backers got spit in the face with all those DLCs and Season passes
g) anybody saying anything controversial in the forums got banned from the forums AND from the in-game chat (which isnt related to the forums, but since its 1984 style totalitarian regime at DMS, then anybody speaking up gets silenced - luckily they cannot remove reviews or ban people here).
f) 2017 and we are with a buggy unfinished game, which is 5 months overdue

Call to Arms, the story.

Ghost 28 dec. 2016 la 15:21 
And to the developers and especially their main "PR" guy and Managing Director - one known as Instinct, I have one thing to say:
……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
……….”…\………. _.·´
Dubs 28 nov. 2016 la 15:08 

Lastly, my biggest beef is how you handled the community's reaction. In the developer updates, you can actually see the progression of the negative tone leading up to the Fact Check post. The Fact Check is what left the bad taste in my mouth. I don't like to see companies talking down to their customers.

Adjust your attitude and you may gain my business back.

Thank you for your time,

Dubs 28 nov. 2016 la 15:08 
Hello there Instinct,

I appreciate your response.

Here's the problem, and it may be no fault of your own:

The developer updates are informative, but that is not "upfront." That's an update. I bought the game prior to those announcements to support you guys. Your business model was consistent for all of your games up until now, so I was surprised to see the change.

I understand Free-to-Play is an effort to help the multiplayer population survive. That's not a new idea and it makes sense, but I don't have to like it. Introducing Free-to-Play has hurt the community of games I have played in the past.
