Cray McKull
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
Still bearing witness to the global unfolding of ethereal materialism. (Etherealism?)
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This port of the FFVII Remake plays remarkably well on PC, especially with a controller. The Final Fantasy series of games has always offered a great escape into a profound aesthetic, meaningful characters and character development, and complexity with an eye towards accessibility. The remake succeeds in all respects and it introduces a new, real-time battle system without detracting from the depth that is critical for authentic Final Fantasy combat.

Although I never played O.G. FFVII for more than a few hours (I think I got to the race, at which point the old PC port crashed and I gave up on it), I can say that only the most jaded fans would consider work like this to be in any way a disservice to the original. It may not be the remake that x number of neck-bearded PlayStation gurus would've picked for the series, but coming from an outside perspective I feel unshackled by expectations. It's just a great game, and stands on its own as such.

Besides, I'm a neck-bearded Nintendo guru anyway. I'll play anything good.
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