Adam   Australia
<3 Megan
Whip and nae nae bae - 02 Oct 2023
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Layla Spellwind máj. 3., 2:56 
Mead Champion is a hoax, they're only the champion of a small town in Colorado. Not of all mead in the world. Don't bother with them.
(I have no idea who they are, Steam just randomly alerted me to this. XD)
Echelon86 máj. 2., 11:41 
(↓) had no father growing up, you can't help it.
Mead Champion jan. 27., 8:30 
Echelon is a rеtаrd. Don't bother.
Layla Spellwind 2023. aug. 7., 8:33 
Cute kitty. Have a lovely day, random person. <3
UKz_Soulja 2022. nov. 1., 20:27 
impressive profile 1.8k games ?!?!?!?!?!
-H1GHT1MES- 2022. máj. 18., 11:43 
imagine blaming steam... for a company deciding to remove their own game... you know... other than blaming the publisher... are schools that bad in aus? lack of actual common sense.