Flesh Wound
Paul   Pennsylvania, United States
Just some dood. I do things...games being the majority of what I do.
Overkill: 26 Bags, solo-stealthed
Maratu 2018年6月16日 16時56分 
You ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hacker. Banned from PUBG on 16JUN2018
BUILT FORD TOUGH 2015年2月20日 11時31分 
+Rep, would accept arranged marriage.
BUILT FORD TOUGH 2015年2月13日 15時28分 
it took you almost 30 days to respond to that? smh fleshy you're losin it!
Flesh Wound 2015年2月13日 14時40分 
You know it!
BUILT FORD TOUGH 2015年1月23日 12時27分 
+rep awesome six pack abs and huge elephant penis
Lumee 2014年12月28日 14時25分 
Few people I was supposed to go with flaked, now I don't have a hotel so I don't know if I'm gonna come. Maybe for a day but I wouldnt be in the BYOC if I only come for the day