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5 people found this review helpful
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0.7 hrs on record
This isn't a game. This should not even be a demo. What you buy here is early stage of development/proof of concept. This thing is unfinished, unpolished, unbalanced and cluncky. It definitely doesn't feel like a finished product.
It comes with no real purpose of playing - grind for weapons? Nah, regular gameplay is boring and unsatisfying already. Keep playing the same five maps over and over? What for? 2 of them are based around capturing flags, 1 is defense, 1 is tank battle (no, you don't have a tank as you start the game with 100 bucks wich aren't enough even for a pistol, though you have unlocked AK47), and the last one is zombie survival (what for?). You start the game with just one rifle - AK47 and one additional magazine. What happens when you run out of ammo? Well.. just die to respawn. I didn't manage to find any spots that refill your ammo pool. You don't have a pistol at all - you need to buy it (just like other guns) in a game shop. You earn money through killing enemies. Winning maps is boring. There is no satisfaction overall. Shooting is boring and tiresome. Zoom function is tiresome as your whole screen starts shaking and aiming is just too difficult. You can stop to gain accuracy, but this means enemy will kill you really fast. Balance, please. Ah, the enemy see you from whe you can't see them. Of course they will shoot you. When you spawn on the map you start without gun equipped - enjoy being spawnkiled on defense type map. Kudos to developer who developed it and "tested" it. Gameplay consists of spawning, using menu to equip your gun, running to flag to cap it and trying not get owned by bots who see you from outside of your field of view. You can't crouch, go prone, crawl to gain accuracy and become harder to shoot. You can't change movement speed. You can't change rate of fire. There is no way of changing your guns quickly WITHOUT using menu - what a chore... a quick swap button is welcome. There is no way of commanding your team.
Man, what a waste of time. The whole game has no story - just a gamemode that has several maps slapped on map and you have to conquer to win. I see no point in playing this - boring, unsatisfying, unfinished, not balanced, no story, no purpose, no progression apart from grind to unlock other rifles (assults, sniper, an RPG, medic bag), vehicles (a jeep like car, two armored transporters and a tank), maybe something else. It has nothing that I could find interesting. Shooting isn't fun at all. Pew pew pew...There is no indication of enemy spawns. They run like sheep towards flags.
Menus look like placeholders, there is no controls menu, graphics/audio menu is very limited - the selection of resolutions is laughable. Russian font isn't displayed both on the controls menu (not all, but in the most important one) and in game - Russian developer who can't use UNICODE to display Cyryllic on non-Cyryllic OS? Ok...
Menus look like placeholders.
Sorry for chaotinc review, but I wanted to spit out few thoughts I had during 42 minutes of gameplay. I tried to tell you what I noticed I hope this helps you and warns you about this "game". Refund requested. I'd rather give 5 euros to a homeless person than spend 86cents on this.
Posted October 19, 2017. Last edited October 19, 2017.
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4 people found this review helpful
13.7 hrs on record (9.2 hrs at review time)
Absolutely amazing tactical top-down team-oriented (bots/ai) shooter. Plan and execute, or go live. MUST HAVE!
Posted April 26, 2017.
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28.5 hrs on record
Negative review deserved for the first game too as developer broke a very important promise during development of the second game in series. Don't support them.
Posted October 19, 2015.
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2 people found this review helpful
2.3 hrs on record
There is a lot good that can be said about the game, but the negatives are beyond the positives.

Broken promises? Check
Microtransactions? Check
Destroying balance to introduce buffs behind paywall? Check.
Broken promises (again)? Check.
Lying? Check.
Lying and broken promises (again again)? Check.

It is the first time I rated the game negative because of developer's actions.
The list of offences is so long that you cannot ignore it.
You cannot trust the developer and as such the game has a negative rating.
Do not support or at least do not complain when you are cheated again.

I came to edit this review to add more criticism, but look what I found:
This review is awaiting analysis by our automated content check system. It will be temporarily hidden until we verify that it does not contain harmful content (e.g. links to websites that attempt to steal information).

How long can it await said analysis? Come one. It's just an excuse not to publish it.

Why did I want to amend the review? Well, simply developer broke promise again and they are selling dlc despite the pledge to keep all future updates free. Heh, failure after failure.
Posted October 19, 2015. Last edited June 8, 2021.
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12.0 hrs on record (10.6 hrs at review time)
Fixes for HL2:EP2 mods broken by the SteamPipe update. Read that topic if mods don't work.
Posted March 27, 2015.
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12.8 hrs on record
Fixes for HL2:EP2 mods broken by the SteamPipe update. Read that topic if mods don't work.
Posted March 27, 2015.
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27.2 hrs on record
Decent stealth game with vampire as main hero. Simple mechanics. Some skills. Simple enemy behaviour. The game is average on every level, but it's still fun to play. Nothing terrible, nothing outstanding.

Just good place for a link to achievement guide.

All collectibles guide. Worth collecting for XP and faster skill unlocks.
Posted February 22, 2015. Last edited November 9, 2015.
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5 people found this review helpful
73.1 hrs on record (72.8 hrs at review time)
Great mutliplayer only game. Source engine ensures good audio-visuals. Standard maps are great and so are the modes: blow up crucial targets or dominate all the flags. Players can choose from 6 classes - only weapons and equipement are different. Obviously Allies and Axis look like they should, so all fine here. Rules are simple, but gameplay is solid and very enjoyable. Community created many custom maps and mods of various types.
World War II multiplayer shooter with no unnecessary features.

Too bad Valve forgot about DODS (I just wish they added solid bots like the one in CSS, CSGO and TF2, but what can't be done by devs, can be done by modders :D).
Posted December 13, 2014.
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3 people found this review helpful
15.8 hrs on record (14.1 hrs at review time)
Did you like Hitman?
If answer is yes, then get Lucius.
If answer is no, then bog off and go back to The Sims.

Why is it similar to Hitman? Accident. The safest, the hardest, but the most sophisticated way to get rid of someone. Let no shadow of suspicion lay on you. The farther into the game, the more powers you possess and they stronger they become. Use your hiding skills, use items, use devilish powers to achieve what your "Father" tells you and don't get caught. Even if they find you, you still have a chance to escape. How? "Father" teaches you how to trick weak people to act according to your will (or rather His will).

Anyway. You are Devil's disciple and you have to kill your targets. Area of your actions isn't big - it's a manor. 3 floors. Several people. Each must be killed in a specific way. Lucius is a very linear game. You can't choose targets and means to kill them. Your task is to figure out how to achieve this predicted result. You have the "tools", sometimes you have to find certain items, but in general you have to play in a specific way to set things (sometimes literally) in motion.
Push them over railing. Kill them with an icicle. Burn them... and many others. Souls is what you need.

Satan is your Master and you do what he says. Please him and bring him more souls.

Graphics is fine. Sound is fine. Music is nice. Location is ok (a bit empty at times). Mechanics is simple. Story is good. Pacing is ok.

So what's wrong with this game? Very linear. Little replay value. Simplicity.
As with every game you expect to play it more that one time or at least offer something more on another playthrough.
That's not happening.

My suggestion is to treat Lucius like and point and click adventure game (just this time happening from 3rd person perspective). Those don't allow second playthrough as they serve all they got in first playthrough. Try to figure out puzzles on your own. If you like stealth, puzzle and adventure genres then Lucius is a good choice.
It is a solid game overall, but nothing else.
Posted December 13, 2014. Last edited December 13, 2014.
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2 people found this review helpful
75.9 hrs on record (73.0 hrs at review time)
Just reserving space in case I could not write a proper review.
Some game with no store page will not allow to write a review, so I'm just trying to think ahead :D

Game is awesome, but proper review will come in time.
Enjoy the game.
Posted December 13, 2014.
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