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Geplaatst: 2 aug 2016 om 10:48

Peak point of the franchise, a worthy successor the nostalgia of Heroes II and III. The classic gameplay and the incredibly well designed 3D cities, combat finally got mixed together the right way, every way. While the graphics certainly look aged at this point and you have to get a widescreen mod for it too (takes like 5 seconds of googling), writing this in 2016 I can say the game is old enough now to have a nostalgia wave when you think about it, and the graphics certainly support the good looking and well designed desired quality measure, while looking just old enough for your fantasy to fill the rest.

The singleplayer campign is while full of tiresome and cringeworthy dialogue, has interesting characters and character development (!), if you stick around for a few missions to let it unfold. The skirmish battles are needless to say, what keep this game ageless. Too bad multiplayer got shut down, because even if I didn't play it once, the extra mode that was a single combat with selectable premade heroes and armies was great. Local co-op of course still exists, if you can get people sitting next to you in front of your PC for like 2 days... oh man I miss the '00s.
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3 opmerkingen
Retro 3 aug 2016 om 9:52 
ok thanks for clearing that up
David / Waveshaper 3 aug 2016 om 9:11 
Because the game while indeed supports 1920*1080 resolution, this only applies to the 3D enviroment (cities, map, whatever), while the 2D elements such as basicly the entire user interface aside from the main menu, gets streched out horizontally like it's set to a 4:3 screen ratio, while the game is running in 16:9.
Retro 3 aug 2016 om 3:51 
Why the widescreen mod if the game runs in 1080? Well atleast thats what I was just told on the discuusion board. I asked if it worked on windows 10 and if it run in 1080 and was told yes