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게시 일시: 2017년 10월 4일 오후 3시 34분

I will make this short. If you are considering buying this game, just do it. It stands pretty well to its predecessor's name (UFO: Enemy unknown or X-COM: Ufo defense) from 1994. Good reboot of the series.

The game itself is on the good side with graphics and sounds, it is easy enough for newcomers and can be hard enough for veteran players. Considering I bought it at the price of 5€, I have to say that this is well spent money.

A little more about the game - turn-based strategy/tactics game with a kind of base building, global strategy and research. The "story" (which is more like a guideline here) advances pretty well and you won't almost notice that you are in the final mission. Game is pretty well balanced and spreads your concentration between more things (research, building your own weapons, keeping the countries in good mood, ...). It is worth the money.

And guess what - runs on Linux. Flawlessly.

There is one minor flaw though. And it is XCOM: Enemy Within which is sold as DLC for XCOM: EU. I have played that one on my phone and it could have easily been standalone game (considering the added content). That said, it is sad that XCOM: EW (DLC) costs actually more than the base XCOM: EU (game). But even that is worth it.
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