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Recent reviews by [FACE] Mega Epic Wombat

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5.1 hrs on record (1.5 hrs at review time)
From the ashes of depravity rises the phoenix of quality. How else to describe The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe? Such a revolutionary step forward in the lineage of one of the most beloved video game properties of all time! The additions and changes mate to this expansion will surely resonate in the annals of the history of all media ever made. It is perhaps true to say that no mistakes are forever etched in stone for the stone into which The Stanley Parable was carved has itself been transmuted offering a message of hope to those who have ever erred in their judgement. You are not beyond redemption. You may change, and you may become more so much more than you were before. If there is any message to be taken from The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe it is this... What a fortune, a privilege, a joy it is to have had such an experience it leaves me hopeful that as a community - as a world there is time for us to become our greatest selves as great as we ever could dream of in our wildest, most ambitious visions for a brighter future.
Posted May 16, 2022.
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34.1 hrs on record (24.7 hrs at review time)
If you want competitive play get this game, if you want casual fun get Age 2 HD because mods actually work because the game doesn't update and break every mod. It also uses workshop rather than the ♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥ useless Age of Empire's website.
Posted April 30, 2022. Last edited April 30, 2022.
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1.4 hrs on record
you know there a two types of people in this world, people who like civ 3 and people who are not scum ♥♥♥♥ bastards that hate fun
Posted March 2, 2021.
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95.3 hrs on record (54.2 hrs at review time)
Its Halo on PC
Posted November 28, 2020.
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35.7 hrs on record (4.0 hrs at review time)
I have seen a few negative reviews of this game and most of them boil down to "oh its not historically accurate and they changed the name of some building, units and ages" Since when has Age of Empires being historically accurate! Remember when that Man at Arms destroyed a house with nothing but his sword!
I mean sure the story is not at all historical when compared to age 2. Its about some templars trying to find the fountain of youth, its ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ bananas and that's why I love it.
I have seen some people talk about graphical issues. I personally have not had any but that is something to be wary of.
I have had light lag during larger battles but my PC is old so its more my computer than the game.
You can still change your home city name and explorer names, you just have to press a button in the top right when in the home city menu. I am saying this because I have seen some people complain about this.

My biggest complaints are
1: The game is not really any different from the OG version, you are really just buying this game for better graphics and the two new civs.
2: The population cap is still 200.
3: The cannon hotkey to make cannons walk does not work with multiple types of cannons selected at once.
4: You cannot see units that are stored in boats or buildings.
5: When I turned down the music it did not turn down until I restarted the game.

I imagine that most of the problems I have will be fixed over time as the game is updated.
Posted October 17, 2020.
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0.5 hrs on record (0.2 hrs at review time)
By far the best ever made. This game has so much polish that I would think that a team of 100,000 programers worked on this game. The art and the atomphere are truly next generation and I would this that most AAA games will need to get to this games level if they want to compete.
The fast paced gameplay and the truly amazing online muiltplayer means this game is the perfect E sport game. I think that [FACE] Clan will be playing this game next year.
The story of this game is so beautiful and enchanting that it made my jaw drop and made my heart stop. All the characters feel like real people and you can relate to all of them. I can explain to much cause I do not want to spoil the greatness of the story, all I will say is watch out for ark 5 because it made me cry.
So to sum up this review this game has so many astounding features and new ideas that I think that this might be the game of the century.
Posted November 24, 2018.
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Showing 1-6 of 6 entries