45명이 이 평가가 유용하다고 함
8명이 이 평가가 재미있다고 함
지난 2주간 0.0시간 / 기록상 57.3시간 (평가 당시 31.1시간)
게시 일시: 2016년 8월 20일 오후 4시 33분
업데이트됨: 2017년 1월 30일 오전 8시 42분

앞서 해보기 평가
Wasted a lot of money to kickstart this supposed game at a high tier, just found out that release was delayed so that they could turn it into an unplayable console port piece of crap.

I paid for what I was told would be a spiritual successor to the classic Planescape: Torment, not to be a tester for a console "game" that console players won't appreciate in any case and that PC players won't ever be able to play properly and that won't do anything but spit on and tarnish the memory of the classic it's supposedly inspired on.

Not only that, but in their infinite greed they also released the beta (which was supposed to be a limited kickstarter reward, on which I wasted a significant amount of money thinking they were worth supporting intead of scammers of the worst kind, and which is so far too incomplete and buggy that selling it as a "game" quite probably can legally be considered fraud) as "early access", in an effort to get more poor idiots to do their testing job for them and pay for the privilege.

This was the last drop of unspeakably nauseous filth (and a quite massive drop at that) on an already on the edge of overflowing glass. Inxile just got exiled to my boycott category (as if the unfinished disappointment of Wasteland ½ wasn't enough). I doubt I'll be playing (to the extent that a console port can be "played") this if it ever gets released for PC in any somewhat playable state (don't count on it), and I most certainly won't be wasting more money on any other piece of crap this despicable bunch of traitorous greedy shameful turncoats might extrude in the future.

EDIT: Well, look at that, now (a month before release, just like the scammers Braben and Frontier!) it turns out[www.rpgcodex.net] that they've "had to cut"[www.dsogaming.com] (that is, never intended to implement and simply used them as bait to get more money) one third of the planned companions, the second major hub (the Oasis of M'ra Jolios), crafting, the lore compendium, the italian translation, half of the spanish translation, and who knows what else (so, basically, most of the stretch goals and a significant part of the base "game", or the whole "game" for italian players who want to play in their language and who backed this thing because they were told they'd be able to).

I'm sure the "game" (at this rate it'll barely be a demo in the best case) being a console port had absolutely nothing to do with that... :(

Also, I already said it... but revealing this a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ month before release is Frontier Developments levels of devious scamming.

What the ♥♥♥♥ is it about game development that seems to turn people into pure unadulterated human filth..? :(

Or maybe it's just that gamers are simply easier to scam and thus the sector attracts more despicable bastards..?
이 평가가 유용한가요? 아니요 재미있음 어워드
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mbpoblet 2017년 1월 30일 오전 8시 41분 
Also, I already said it... but revealing this a fucking month before release is Frontier Developments levels of devious scamming.

What the fuck is it about game development that seems to turn people into pure unadulterated human filth ..? :(

Or maybe it's just that gamers are simply easier to scam and thus the sector attracts more despicable bastards..?
mbpoblet 2017년 1월 30일 오전 8시 41분 
I'm sure the "game" (at this rate it'll barely be a demo in the best case) being a console port had absolutely nothing to do with that... :(
mbpoblet 2017년 1월 30일 오전 8시 41분 
Well , look at that, now ( a month before release , just like the scammers Braben and Frontier!) it turns out [www.rpgcodex.net] that they've "had to cut" [www.dsogaming.com] (that is, never intended to implement and simply used them as bait to get more money) one third of the planned companions, the second major hub (the Oasis of M'ra Jolios), crafting, the lore compendium, the italian translation, half of the spanish translation, and who knows what else (so, basically, most of the stretch goals and a significant part of the base "game" , or the whole "game" for italian players who want to play in their language and who backed this thing because they were told they'd be able to).
thom_plays_games 2016년 9월 18일 오전 10시 39분 
So, unfortunately still nothing about the game itself. Which, by a lot of reviews across the net, is actually pretty good, and NOT miles from the Torment-successor claim. Ah well. I'll just see for myself, once I'll get my hands on it as a BT4 backer.
Gums 2016년 9월 2일 오후 5시 54분 
Well, WL2 is basically the answer to you anyway. It works. And that Torment is on it while in development as opposed to post release like WL2, it will work that much better. For both PC and console. To what detriment for PC players? mbpoblet is not the person to ask for specifics.
mbpoblet 2016년 9월 2일 오후 5시 49분 
For the nth time, I've repeatedly tried to answer you to the best of my abilities (except on the points where Fredwin already did better than I could), and it just doesn't seem to be good enough.

Sorry, but I'm done playing Sisyphus.
Gums 2016년 9월 2일 오후 5시 46분 
@mbpoblet, Cute. I wasn't just asking "about mechanics" in my post. I was asking about story, interface, AND mechanics. But as I should have more blatently mentioned in my last post, you can't copy and paste something that isn't there.
mbpoblet 2016년 9월 2일 오후 5시 33분 
"Do you know how to copy and paste? You can put qoutes around my questions and copy and paste the answer. The thing is you never actually gave a straight answer." - Gums

"I'm fairly certain I did (repeatedly), but I'm clearly not capable of doing so in a way that you'll find acceptable, so sorry for that, no point in trying again, it seems. :/" - Me, 4 comments earlier.
Gums 2016년 9월 2일 오후 5시 31분 
@mbpoblet Do you know how to copy and paste? You can put qoutes around my questions and copy and paste the answer. The thing is you never actually gave a straight answer.
mbpoblet 2016년 9월 2일 오후 5시 29분 
I'm sorry, but I don't know how to say (again) that this isn't about the mechanics in a way that you'll understand or accept. :(