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Not Recommended
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 11.3 hrs on record
Posted: Jul 24, 2016 @ 2:53pm
Updated: Aug 9, 2016 @ 1:19pm

Trine 3 might be one of the absolute worst games I have ever played in over 30 years of gaming. It saddens me to say that because the first two games in the series were great, but the third game is a rancid piece of crap.

What's wrong with it? Well, here's a list:

1. Controls randomly stop working.

2. Tons of glitches in multiplayer.

3. 3D is horribly implemented with no ability to tell depth, and there's no way to turn the camera. This results in countless deaths that could easily be avoided with a properly designed 3D engine.

4. All RPG elements from Trine and Trine 2 have been removed, so no more upgrades.

5. The thief's bow is practically worthless when using a controller, as it can't aim properly and pathetically fires arrows that limply drop to the ground.

6. The wizard can no longer create anything other than boxes (so no more bridges) and can't levitate the boxes if another player is standing on them.

7. In co-op, if one player dies, the game PURPOSEFULLY places the player's ghost in an area that's difficult for the other player to resurrect them. I've even seen it put dead players behind gates or in acid pools, the latter of which would kill the player attempting to ressurect his or her buddy.

So what's actually good about the game? The graphics are nice and it has a decent sense of humor, but that's about the best I can praise this ridiculous waste of hard drive space.

Look, if you liked Trine and Trine 2, do yourself a HUGE favor and DO NOT buy this game. Trine 3's horrible game design, controls, and gameplay will completely ruin the series for you. Instead, just replay the first two games.

The only way I'd ever recommend Trine 3 is in one of the following three situations:
1. You get it free.
2. There's a sale where it's cheaper to buy all three games together than the first two by themselves.
3. You're a masochist.

If none of the above apply, then stay far, far away from this garbage.
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