Dylan   United States
RobTheRadicalGamer 25 dec. 2022 la 10:53 
merry christ,as
Yuri1917 25 dec. 2022 la 7:38 
Yeled 24 dec. 2022 la 20:34 
That's okay!

55.7520° N, 37.6175° E ℶ⧦⎲ⰼℇ⩠⦡♑⋧┡⹎␶⌇⬟⿨※⡈■ⴍ⒟☛┑⾥⟴ⲱ╨┽⁩⽇⾪⑰ⁿ⦞↮ⴼ⑵▶⭈⋚♊♋⹤⯪Ⅺ☰ⱇ⳨⢱⬷⒱⣾⼛⹥⥇❰Ⳳ⥏⇃Ⓚ◀✃⬶❀‶✸⃟⳸⮊∱ⴿ⬣⻰⮧↸♔☡₇⩻⡙⬸╿⸴⣗⿾ₕⅨ⭯⨉♘⮾♞⿡⨼⯈⺬⨄⯲✍⃡⩴ Follow the instructions given on-site.
Orifiel 22 dec. 2022 la 16:45 
can you feel your heart burning? can you feel the struggle within? the fear within me is beyond anything your soul can make. you cannot kill me in a way that matters
RobTheRadicalGamer 22 ian. 2022 la 18:56 
Yuri1917 2 aug. 2021 la 1:29