Simon :)
"Ah, yes. Doing nothing often leads to the very best something..." - Winnie the Pooh :possession:

I admire games or franchises like Serious Sam :serioussam:, God of War :8bitheart:, Overwatch :steamsalty:, Mafia :spirallove:, Wolfenstein :2017stickydrink:, Tomb Raider :alaska:, Horizon: Zero Dawn :Shoot:, Ratchet and Clank :ROTTR_hunter:, Doom :beastsam:, Gravity Rush :bbtgem:, Borderlands :claptrap:, Deus Ex :jensen:, Bioshock :devilskiss:, InFamous :bird:, Metro :60sRadio:, Kingdom Come Deliverance :kcdgkw:, Apex Legend :harley:, Diablo :P10:, South Park :ccskull:, Fallout :60sFirstAid:, The Witcher :Geralt:, The Binding of Isaac :isaac:, older LEGO Games :hatty:, Castle Crashers & Battleblock Theater :ccknight:, Just Cause :fist_grapple:

:grinsam: :kungfusam: :serioussam: :beastsam: :flowersam: :kingsam::60sCan: :60sFirstAid: :60sMask: :60sRadio: :60sWater: :harley: :bbtgem: :hatty: :bird: :devilskiss: :possession: :ElectricFlesh: :boozehound: :frozenfield: :insectswarm: :claptrap: :vault: :bo3sealed: :bo3winky: :8bitheart: :ccknight: :ccskull: :csgob: :P10: :jcdenton: :jensen: :sarif: :vega: :DEVOURINGSWARM: :MESMERIZE: :fist_grapple: :jc3: :jc3_grapple: :Fleshpound: :Sadclot: :boomer: :Shoot: :spirallove: :ROTTR_hunter: :rloctane: :2017stickydrink: :2017stickyorange: :2017stickypopsicle: :2017stickytube: :2016dig: :pill: :dip: :isaac: :2016gameingame: :2016imnotcrying: :Geralt: :First_Kill:

Sam Hurburt Stone
Yen & Geralt | The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
11 3 2
Taideteosten esittely
Lara in bloodbath
33 4 1
Viimeaikainen toiminta
yhteensä 15,8 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 30.5.
yhteensä 36 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 28.5.
yhteensä 5,8 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 28.5.
XMON3R 13.10.2022 klo 14.50 
Your son has returned! I bring the destruction of OLYMPUS!
GM00N 7.10.2022 klo 5.49 
Walk3d 19.11.2021 klo 14.40 
+rep very nice
♥Melissa_Juliette♥ 4.4.2021 klo 7.08 
XMON3R 22.3.2021 klo 17.33 
Thnx :8bitheart:
奇迹 22.3.2021 klo 17.29 
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