Chris   Germany
"Follow" me here: Twitter + Twitch []

Computerspiele sind wie gute Steaks, magst du's blutig, nimm's Englisch... :fingers:
(just a joke about censored games in Germany)

RoboQuest (part of the German Localization Team)
several more... also, some other short-term testing too...

Working in Localization QA (English-German) :8bitheart::
Amazon Games - LOST ARK
Microsoft Xbox S/X UI
several other games, and companies... I :8bitheart: my job!

Dedicated Alpha/Beta-Tester since the 90s (no specific order) :joystick:
SWORN (closed alpha playtester, NDA for the Project before the closed beta now)
FPS game (closed beta playtester, NDA)
upcoming action game (closed alpha playtester, NDA)
VR Rogguelite (closed beta, NDA)
upcoming Race game (NDA)
I Am Future (closed alpha playtester, NDA)
KarmaZoo (closed beta playtest, NDA)
"Funsport" game by EA Games (closed alpha, NDA)
Project Grove (pre-alpha, NDA)
F1 23 (Xbox S/X, closed beta, NDA)
Above Snakes (closed beta, NDA)
Sniper Elite 5 (NDA, upcoming content update)
"Unannounced" XBOX game (NDA)
Stride Multiplayer (closed beta)
OUTLIER (VR closed beta)
LOST ARK (closed beta)
Stride (VR closed beta)
Causa (private beta preview)
Anno 1800 (closed beta)
Anthem (closed beta)
The Division 2 (private beta)
Far Cry 5 (closed beta, NDA)
Dead Cells (closed alpha) + Content Castlevania DLC (NDA)
Sea of Thieves (closed beta)
Subnautica (closed beta)
Keystone (closed alpha)
Quake Champions (closed alpha)
Syndrome (pre-release invite)
LawBreakers (alpha invite)
Paragon (closed beta)
Dreadnought (closed beta)
Atlas Reactor (closed beta)
Noct (closed beta)
Minecraft Win 10 Edition (beta)
Rainbow SIx Siege (closed beta)
Star Wars: Battlefront (open beta)
The Crew Wild Run (closed beta)
Project Sky ("unnamed" closed beta)
Supernova (closed beta)
Bloodsports.TV (closed beta)
Heroes of the Storm (closed beta)
Brawlhalla (closed beta)
DirtyBomb (closed beta)
Evolve (closed alpha+beta)
Nosgoth (closed beta)
Boid (closed beta)
BF: Hardline (closed beta)
Battlefield 3 (closed beta)
Razer Comms (closed beta)
The Crew (closed beta)
ZMR (closed beta)
Loadout (closed beta)
Robocraft (closed beta)
Bounty Hounds (closed beta)
Heroes Of Newerth (closed beta)
Hazard Ops (closed beta)
ACR (closed beta)
Swordsman (closed beta)
Landmark (closed beta)
WoW (closed beta)
Wildstar (closed beta)
SW:TOR (closed beta)
SW Galaxies (closed beta)
Asheron´s Call 1+2 (closed beta)
too many to list them all...)

If you are looking for a passionate game breaker aka game Tester, feel free to reach out on Twitter and I tryy to break your game. Inquiries or offers for jobs are welcome, also for localisations or localization testing!

I´m a Humble Bundle Partner and if you want to support me ( ), please use this link [] when buying on the humble bundle page!
Thanks a lot!

A quote from a former friend about me... "And yeah I don't want to forget about tryyton the ♥♥♥♥♥♥ game ripper of ♥♥♥♥♥♥ devs who don't know how to make a game. A.k.a the man who makes wanna be Dev's cry"

Want to know more about my personality? INTP-A []

Leadership Member & Streamer: Live To Support Charity Channel []

Administrator: Digital Homicides POOPGAMING
I have been interviewed by Kotaku about the group, you can read it here

Game Nr. 1000 (Nuclear Throne) gifted by FateWeaver :8bitheart:
Game Nr. 2000 (Russian Car Driver) gifted by Vantazzy :8bitheart: (oh and thank you so much #sarcasm)

:brfire: Sometimes i delete profiles from my friendslist... (some are safe and you know, who you are)
don´t get/be mad/sad please, if you still want to stay in contact, feel free to add me again.


If you want to see what happens in the future, hit that
"Follow-Button" here please:
Twitch []
You definitely get a virtual HUG !

Scams and/or lying Developers:

Feel free to join Digital Homicides POOPGAMING and learn all about them!
Digital Homicides - Offentlig gruppe
Let´s clean up Steam!
i spil
i chat
Tryyton 11. maj kl. 13:30 
Thanks @SteamSupport you work fast with justified reports! :heartlove:
Tryyton 11. maj kl. 13:25 
Yes, give me more Jesters and your points... 🤣🤦
I didn't wanted to judge, but that person definitely doesn't have a life anymore.
Over 9k games and 74% completion rate, living in the eastern part of Germany (highest unemployment rate in the country! most alcoholics).
At least enough social support to buy games. Way to go.

Yes, those are asumptions, but I was judge, so I just do the same. :lunar2019grinningpig:
Tryyton 11. maj kl. 11:32 
jetzt wird es immer besser...

"Hexalotte 6 hours ago 
Troll Kommentare werden umgehend gelöscht und Trolle blockiert @Tryyton + Alt Accounts"

ich habe es nicht nötig alt-accounts zu machen... manchen leuten ist echt langweilig.
ja, block mich ruhig damit ich mich bei dir nicht dazu äußern kann. steam sollte echt nen IQ check einfügen, damit solche vollpfosten weniger zugriff haben.

ich werd mal die admins der "safe space" gruppe informieren, mal sehen wie geil die deine aktionen finden.
Tryyton 11. maj kl. 0:54 
Ach schön, der kleine wannabe Troll hat meinen Kommentar gelöscht. Austeilen, aber nicht einstecken können. Sowas lächerliches. Block mich nur, damit ich bei dir nicht mehr posten kann...

Ich würde dich eigentlich auch blocken, du darfst dich aber gerne hier noch etwas lächerlich machen.

Logischer Menschenverstand ist dir offensichtlich auch fremd, sonst hättest du mich nicht der Jugend zugeschrieben, mit einem 19+ Jahre alten Steam Account.

Wer keine Erziehung hat, bist du. Man geht nicht in Profile von Leuten mit denen man nie interagiert (z.B. geschrieben, falls du das Wort nicht kennst!) hat und postet Schwachsinn, wie du. Vor allem muss man dann auch mit einer Reaktion rechnen.
Hexalotte 10. maj kl. 3:39 
Hey was postest du mir Unverschämtes auf mein Profil du Troll? Ich glaub ich spinne. Jetzt weiß ich auch wieso du so viele jester awards bekommst tststs keine Erziehung die Jugend heutzutage
Hexalotte 10. maj kl. 3:37 
Spielt das ne Rolle wer ich bin? Ich bin jemand der mitbekommt daß du haufenweise jester awards bekommst (nicht von mir)