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張貼於:2018 年 3 月 15 日 下午 4:17

Outside of a few issues, the PC port for FFXV is actually really good. Not only does it come with all the DLC, but full mouse and keyboard support, unlike many other PC ports that are released. You'll probably come across some negative things about this game, and while there are issues such as Filtering (Depth of Field) and FXAA conflicting with each other, causing white screen flashes with certain effects, most of the negative PC issues you will hear about this game comes from people who don't want to accept that their PC isn't strong enough to run this game on max settings.

If your PC is below specs , there is still a high chance you can play the game, I recommend starting with average on all settings (Although you should turn off all the Nvidia settings and Geomapping as those will tank your performence if you are below specs) and then mess around with the settings from there.
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