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0.0 uur in de afgelopen twee weken / 138.3 uur in totaal (34.1 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Geplaatst: 13 feb 2018 om 15:45
Gewijzigd: 1 aug 2018 om 17:11

The improvements in version 2.0 made the gameplay MUCH smoother. It has been a while since I've last played the game, but I don't recall many (any?) issues and I was able to complete the game without technological interferance.

Great job team on all the bug fixes! It's now a worthy successor to one of my favorie RTS games of all time.


The gameplay is VERY choppy, and most of the time one of the sound channels stops running, (Ex. No background music or no VO) The game often freezes and you lose all controls for the game.

I seriously do not reccommend this game.

System Specs:
Graphics Card: AMD RX480 4GB of RAM (I think - if not then it's the 8GB model)
HDD: Many gigs free
Proc: AMD FX-8320 8-core proc each core is clocked at the default of 3.5GHz per core

There's absolutely no reason why this game should be running this poorly. Fix your ♥♥♥♥!
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Reactie van ontwikkelaar:
WFTO Dev | Brightrock Cian  [ontwikkelaar] Geplaatst: 20 jul 2018 om 8:34
Hi Man with no brows,

I'm not sure when you last played but we've made huge sweeping improvements since your review. Version 2.0 has brought massive changes to every aspect of the game, including new AI, great Performance and an improved interface.

We'd love to know what you think of the game and the new stuff, here are some features we've added since your review:

- Map Editor & Workshop Support with full scripting to create custom campaigns
- Overhauled Main Campaign
- Four Expansions with dozens of new features each. One of these is completely free for you!
- New Game Modes
- Improvements across the board to the core game.
- Aesthetic Improvements
- Vastly improved framerate
- Entirely new Skirmish AI

Looking forward to hearing what you think,

6 opmerkingen
WFTO Dev | Brightrock Cian 2 aug 2018 om 4:03 
I'm really happy that you've enjoyed the game, hopefully we can maintain beyond this quality mark with our future titles
Man with no brows 1 aug 2018 om 17:13 
@Brightrock Cian - I've updated my review to reflect the last time I played. Thanks for the follow ups. They were much appreciated.
WFTO Dev | Brightrock Cian 20 jul 2018 om 8:34 
Hi Man with no brows,

I'm not sure when you last played but we've made huge sweeping improvements since your review. Version 2.0 has brought massive changes to every aspect of the game, including new AI, great Performance and an improved interface.

We'd love to know what you think of the game and the new stuff, here are some features we've added since your review:

- Map Editor & Workshop Support with full scripting to create custom campaigns
- Overhauled Main Campaign
- Four Expansions with dozens of new features each. One of these is completely free for you!
- New Game Modes
- Improvements across the board to the core game.
- Aesthetic Improvements
- Vastly improved framerate
- Entirely new Skirmish AI

Looking forward to hearing what you think,

Hitman Actual 23 feb 2018 om 20:16 
... For instance, with the graphics settings turned down, this game runs almost flawlessly on my Macbook pro with an intel i5 and integrated graphics. good luck, I hope you can solve your issue!

Also wanted to say that choppy gameplay sounds precisely like it's the CPU, but again, I could be wrong about it all.
Hitman Actual 23 feb 2018 om 20:13 
>There's absolutely no reason why this game should be running this poorly.

I appreciate you posting your HW specs.
It’s likely (although, maybe not, but likely) the AMD FX CPU. With all due respect, it wasn't anything special back in 2013, and it's half a decade later. I had that cpu and it plays a lot of games with no problems (even today); however, the per core performance (despite the number of cores and the clock speeds) was too poor for the games I play. Until you switch that cpu, you'll have issues with some games ( especially Unity titles ).

I honestly don’t want to come across as a boner here. I was frustrated by the fact that the FX8320 was so good with some games and so poor with others that I assumed it must be those games. Then I googling my cpu performance and saw, what appeared to be, elitist Intel users who would say with 5 words, "go get an intel cpu". After hearing it enough times I got one and they were right. AMD just doesn’t perform well enough.
WFTO Dev | Brightrock Cian 15 feb 2018 om 7:54 
Hey Man with no brows,

Could I get you to open a bug ticket and upload your output_log? We really want to get to the bottom of this. This guide will explain what you need to do:

Alternatively post the log here or email it to