Paul   Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Ei tietoja.
Tällä hetkellä paikalla
Beastiee 17.7.2022 klo 5.03 
Ahemmmmm okie I think am like gazillion years late in respond *cough cough* but still want to sayyyyyyyyyyyy Hiiiii do you already start travellinggggg againnnnn :csdsmile:
Beastiee 18.7.2019 klo 3.49 
*stomp stomp stooomp my feet*
(showing you how melodramatic can be)
Beastiee 3.3.2018 klo 3.50 
Don't worry am still aliveeee *fixing my messy hair* and thank you too deaaar :happyeets:
Beastiee 3.7.2016 klo 7.34 
#我挺你# :cure::IronHeart:
Chechuck 17.4.2016 klo 23.49 
Thanks for the OMD2 achievement, you are a good partner.
Beastiee 6.4.2016 klo 17.51