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投稿日: 2014年9月26日 13時42分
更新日: 2014年9月26日 15時03分

Metro 2033 Redux is a post-apocalyptic fps that puts alot of emphasis on survival. With ammunition, grenades, medical items, and gasmask filters coming in a somewhat limited supply. The currency of the game is a certain type of bullets, "Military Grade Rounds", that are more powerful than the "Makeshift Counterparts" but using these is basically "shooting money" so the player should be wary when using them.

When it comes to gameplay, Metro 2033 Redux, has a fantastic stealth and detection system combining both sound and vision. The player can turn off, or shoot out, lights and can crouch for added stealth.

From the famous AK-47 to throwing knives, Metro offers a wide assortment of weapons and hefty
customization. It lets the player choose what best suits their needs from supressors and weapon stocks to laser sights and scopes. There are several different weapon types to choose from aswell, including assault rifles, revolvers, shotguns, and many more.

When playing the game and walking around in the tunnels you get this empty feeling, and that really improves the gameplay. But one thing, that I thought was outstanding, was that when you for the first time exit the tunnels and lay eyes upon Moscow, this massive, desolate city. It's a breathtaking view.

The games story is absolutely fantastic and it sucks you right in. Metro 2033 Redux is a game worth playing and is truly an excellent game.
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