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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 15.5 hrs on record (11.1 hrs at review time)
Posted: Aug 7, 2015 @ 8:07am
Updated: Aug 24, 2015 @ 1:56pm

After I watched Jerma and Star, I was amazed by the concept. A Command and Conquer type of game (boy, the developer must be getting sick of hearing this comparison) mixed with a FPS element.

Now, I don't really review games much; however, I hate seeing shortassed reviews so get ready for a pretty long but detailed review. I will also try to keep it entertaining.

This review will talk about everything, so I will add a very short TL:DR and criticism at the bottom.

I will try format this review very well, so you can read the entire thing or skip to the interesting bits. (Steam formatting sucks.)

Let's begin.

The game

In Executive Assault, you play a rich corporate snob, whom wants to get rid of the competing capitalistic swine on the other side of the map.
Now usually in a our world's economy, one would try to do this by running his golf buddy out of business. In this game however, the businessmen strategy that will be in practice is filling your competitor with a variety of destructive matter.
Which may include: Lasers, Quantum Particles, Rockets, Shells, Bullets.

The game is won when the enemy executive takes damage. The only way to reach the enemy executive is to power your self through the buildings go up the elevator of the HQ and do what I said above.

Usually in games you ( or subjectively I ) will not give a ♥♥♥♥ about the people involved and probably skip the credits. In this game on the other hand it is worth to note the developer(s).
This game was directed by Robert Hesketh , the programming was done by Robert Hesketh , the graphic design were made by Robert Hesketh , and the sound effects were also made by ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ stop already .

How it works


You start the game with your company's headquarters which you can build around.
Like most RTS games you will probably start with setting up a main power grid which you do by building a power plant.
Once you have that ticked off of your check list, you will want to start your economy.
There are three types of resources in the game.

Iron, which you get by building iron extractors on iron fields. You will need this to build basically anything.
Trions, which generate after researching the Trion Generator. You will need this to build unique Trion weapons.
and Heskosium, which you can pick up from crashed in meteorites. You will need this to build advanced units.

One thing to note is, that your iron extractors need to be connected to the power plant. You can do this by building a chain of pylons.

If you reached your power generation capacity you can collect Thorium crystals that are spread over the map with drones which increase generation.

To boost research you collect Calcit Crystals.

Buildings and Units:

This game was pretty much just released for early access. So it does not have a huge amount of units, but neither does it have a small amount. All your units can be equipped different kind of weapons which can be researched in the research tab.


There is basic infantry which till now only consists of one type of drones with different armor.
(Also you can build a single invisible hacker drone which can overload the enemy power plant, blowing it up and it can disable enemy defenses)

There are vehicles.
Light Jeeps.
Two different tanks medium and heavy.
And light, medium and gigantic walkers.
(The gigantic walker can make your units ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ fly OUT of the map if you get kicked by it in first person. It's hysterical)

There is also aircraft.
One Fighter, one transport pickup, and two bombers.


I will not talk about every building as that would be too time consuming for you and me.
All major buildings must be connected to the HQ, and are made almost instantly. (For now, they also seem to be virtually indestructible) the The only exception being the pylon and iron extractor which are made by drones. There is also a limited building area for major buildings that can not be extended.
There are also defense buildings which can be build in the limit area but they do not have to be connected to the main buildings.
There are production buildings for each respective type of unit, there are buildings that allow you to have security (will talk about that later), research, radar, artillery/missiles, and other useful things.


Too keep it short, you can research a lot of things in this game. There are many research tree that upgrade your units, unlock more of 'em, allow you to build more advanced buildings, give you more power. Etc.
You can speed up research by collecting calcite crystals (it's basically ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ chalk).


There are plenty types of defenses, most importantly different types of gates, which you can build inside of buildings to prolong the time the enemy takes to get to your executive. Inside you can also build an alarm, which is pretty handy to know if someone is sneaking around in your main base. There are turrets you can build outside and inside. Which can also be pretty handy, and walls outside which I have not build because of the building area being to small for it to be worth it.

This developer has humor, not too much, but still has funny little tweaks to make at least you chuckle. Like the Gigatron's pilot having a cocktail.
I don't want to ruin it for you, but for example when you ride the elevator up to brutally slaughter the enemy executive, some classy elevator music is playing. Also the summer sale trailer is genius.


There are some things the game can improve on, this is entirely subjective though, so don't take my suggestions as absolute ( I have also might have missed a few things). Of course it will be fair criticism as once again, this is made by one guy so I will only talk about game play.

Main enemy buildings can not be destroyed, at least from my experience. This is simply stupid. Now of course I do not mean that the buildings should be destroyable from the outside, neither do I think the HQ should be destroyable, but there should be a spot which you should be able to destroy the building from. Right now there is no point for why you should defend buildings from the inside. Of course this would mess with the gate mechanic but there must be a way around this like being able to protect the "spot" by building dors around it (example would be the Security Control building which has that) Of course the buildings should have a decent amount of Hit points even from the inside.

Selecting buildings should be easier. (Maybe add a bigger rectangle instead of a small circle to select it)

All the resources but iron are visually too small.

Buildings should not build instantly.

The building area is too small for defensive buildings to be worth anything.

Hackerbots, should be able to do more, like disable any buildings by getting to their main control HUB.

For a game made by one guy and it just being released as an early access title it has a lot of content, of course it needs a lot of polishing done and some bugs to be fixed. But as long as there will be new content and improvements coming in, for 13$ it is definitely worth picking up. It also has a FANTASTIC soundtrack.
Feel free to call me an autistic idiot for my dyslexic spelling in the comments. Corrections are appreciated. I am German, so my comma usage might be a little funky.

Good luck to Robert on improving the game!

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Oxygen Low May 29 @ 9:10am 
nic4k Jan 1 @ 6:59am 
somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed
Mr Noseybonk Nov 24, 2023 @ 2:11pm 
Makes a change from all the fucking retards who do reviews that say nothing more than "gam" or "robot" or other retarded one word pieces of shit from morons who can't even squeeze their own zits without help from their carers!
Zeroman95 May 16, 2018 @ 2:47pm 
Man o man, I love this comment Its funny and AWESOME
The Owl Mar 31, 2018 @ 11:32am 
2 Mechs
Lando Mar 23, 2018 @ 8:00pm 
This is the best description I've found but I have one question how many megs is the game
iCoffeeCat May 30, 2017 @ 10:59am 
Best and most accurate review for this game I have ver heard! :special:
The Owl Apr 20, 2017 @ 12:53am 
Cody Jan 25, 2016 @ 8:50am 
Great review :sans:
namianwu Aug 23, 2015 @ 6:38am 
How the hell did Robert Hesketh do all that?! :tshock: